The rear sight is a “U” groove in a raised boss at the top rear of the slide. It is a standard PP, there are no markings on it except for the serial number and maker code. The right side of the slide below the port opening and the barrel at the port opening are marked with a “Crowned N” commercial nitro proof as used prior to 1940. IN 97% VERY CRISP ORIGINAL CONDITION, WE HAVE A VERY RARE AND SIGNIFICANT LUGER. The slide has a cartridge indicator pin and 90 degree safety lever. This is a beautiful example of a Walther when everything just comes together and is well cared for over many decades… a rare confluence of events that the truly advanced collector will appreciate. This is one of the finest examples known and it is a Walther pistol of exceptional beauty with the iridescent blue on the safety and extractor still glowing and an extremely attractive pattern of mottling in the grips and a the high polish blue finish still rich and deep. SOLD RARE NORWEGIAN M1914 PISTOL.....1927 DATED 100% MATCHING......KONGSBERG-COLTEN WITH HOLSTER! PP and PPK's carried this proof mark after April 1, 1940. Crown over N is a German pre-war proof mark used before April 1, 1940. Sold RARE MAUSER BANNER 1940 POLICE EAGLE L LUGER MINT! As it was manufactured in 1939, it bears a crown/N proof, as opposed to all the later ones from 1940, which had an eagle/N proof mark. PP and PPK's carried this proof mark after April 1, 1940. The engineers from Walther reduced the length, width and weight. But, in the PPK series the six digit numbers transitioned into 7 digit numbers for a short while before the K suffix was adopted. Passionate Caretakers of Our Historic Military Firearms and America’s Wartime Heritage. This pistol shows a bright excellent bore, the correct high polish blued finish and the 90 degree safety. Plastic grips show no abuse, checking or marring. We did not fire this handgun. Overall Condition: This handgun retains about 87% of its metal finish. The ultimate stocking stuffer! WITH MINT BAYONET TOO! The hammer and safety serrations show light wear and the slide serrations and magazine release checkering are sharp. This pistol has a 3 1/4″ barrel with a bright bore, pistol retains 98% blue possible factory refinish???. SOLD VERY RARE US ARMY 1924 COLT TRANSITION MODEL 1911…BOTTOM OF THE BARREL SALE! This piece shows the crown N proof on the barrel and slide. My Walther has the date "73" meaning it was made in 1973. The right sides of the barrel chamber area and slide have the early “Crown/N” commercial proof, manufactured 1935. PROOF MARKS 2403 The proof marks shown below will assist in determining nationality of manufacturers when no other markings are evident. THIS IS 1913 DATED DWM MADE, IN 95% ORIGINAL CONDITION 100% CORRECT AS PER CLAWSON, WE HAVE A VERY RARE TRANSITION MODEL 1924 COLT 1911. In 1940 actually, end of thirty-nine, early forty, the Nazis decided to dress up their proof marks, and so they took the crown N proof mark and turned it into an eagle N proof mark. SOLD GERMAN WW1 MAUSER GEW 98 DWM 1916 ALL MATCHING AND VERY SHARP! Description: Walther PPK with PreWWII Crown N Proof Marks. "N" indicates that the gun has been proofed with "nitro" or smokeless powder. This is a rare and highly sought after variant and no more than 5,500 were so marked according to Axis Pistols. James Rankin, in his book “Walther”, Vol. The magazine is in about Excellent condition. PPK”. Crown over N became Eagle over N in 1941.If your PP has Crown over N, then it was made before 1941, otherwise it was made after 1941. Walther Model PPK semi-automatic pistol with the pre-war "Crown/N" commercial proof marks stamped on the right side of the barrel chamber and muzzle and the right side of the slide below the ejection port. There were a lot of 6 digit and K suffixed PPK’s made prior to and during WWII, but very few 7 digit serial number guns in comparison. This pistol has a “W” suffix, but none of the books we consulted knew what the “W” stood for. this function was integrated in a single molded Grip. The bore is bright with sharp rifling and a tiny tool mark in one of the lands near the muzzle. The standard German marking at the time for PP and PPK models was for the use of a six-digit serial number, followed by a letter suffix as necessary. This is a symbol of authenticity that, for this firearm, looks like an elk's antler. The pistol has a bright metal finish with wrap-around brown plastic, checkered, grip. Walther PPK Crown-N proofs .22LR, exc. The magazine is marked with a Walther banner logo and “PPK 7,65 m/m” on the lower left side and has a flat blued floorplate. The grips are checkered brown plastic with traces of black running through them. On the Model PPK, the pistol will have the standard brown, one piece wraparound Walther grips and will be found with grayish grips as well as black ones. This Walther Model PPK was made in about 1937. 7,65m/m” and “MOD. Has original flat base magazine. Crown over N stamp shows that the pistol was test fired using ammunition loaded with smokeless gunpowder. Markings: The left side of the slide is marked with the Walther “Banner” logo, “Waffenfabrik Walther, Zella-Mehlis (Thur) / Walther’s Patent Cal. Guns International #: 100579559 Seller's Inventory #: A&D Category: Walther Pistols - Handguns - German Pistols Seller's Information When emailing or calling sellers direct, please mention that you saw their listing on Seller: Crowley Company: CSP-LLC Member Since: 2/3/13 First Name: John … Our Assessment: PPK stood for “Polizei Pistole Kriminal modell” (Police Pistol Detective Model) and was used by the German police detectives (street cops carried the larger PP chambered in .380 A.C.P.). The inside of the slide opposite the port is scratched with “268”. The right side of the frame behind the trigger is marked “1002268”. II pg. THIS PISTOL, IN EXCELLENT MINUS CONDITION, 100% ORIGINAL AND UNMESSED WITH WITH AN EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE WALNUT STOCK WITH DEEP SHARP CARTOUCHES, WE, IN 98% ORIGINAL MINT VERY ATTRACTIVE CONDITION, WE HAVE AN EXTREMELY DESIRABLE AND FARILY RARE 1940 MAUSER BANNER POLICE EAGLE L MARKED LUGER. It is part of a system that Germany adopted in 1891.NAZI government changed the appearance of various marks. ), Action Type: Single or Double Action Semi-Auto with 7 Round Removable Magazine. SOLD COLT M45A1 USMC CQB PISTOL WITH RARE USMC MARKED SLIDE NIB, SOLD M1D GARAND SNIPER RIFLE SHARP DCM RIFLE WITH PAPERWORK. THIS, NEW IN THE BOX, WE HAVE A COLT USMC CLOSE QUARTERS BATTLE PISTOL M45A1. Mine has the eagle/N proof marks not the crown/N. Mechanics: The action functions correctly. The crown "N" proof mark is on the right-side of the slide below the ejection port and on the barrel, right above the proof mark on the slide (when the chamber is closed). There is no the bore, but there is a tiny tool mark in one of the lands near the muzzle. This is sure to end up in a collection of high-end pre-war automatics. There appears to be a short hairline crack at the upper edge of the grip screw on both sides of the grip. By the time they started procuring for the military (hence the E/359 mark) they should have the Eagle/N mark. The Model PP and PPK in 9mm Kurz are both fairly rare pistols. . With Waffenamt proofs they are even rarer. The checkering shows light wear without mars The grips rate in about Fine condition. The right side of the slide below the port opening and the barrel at the port opening are marked with a “Crowned N” commercial nitro proof as used prior to 1940. There are light handling marks on the sides of the slide and on the trigger guard. Walther Pp 22lr Serial Numbers. The main difference to the PP is the frame with no back strap. In April of 1940 the Germans replaced the crown over N proof mark with the Eagle over "N". In April of 1940 the Germans replaced the crown over N proof mark wiht the eagle over "N". The right side of the frame behind the trigger is marked “1002268”. The vast majority of Walther PPs and PPKs were commercial and here's where it gets confusing. Pistols are not my strong point, so I need help dating this pistol. SOLD 1913 DWM LUGER VERY NICE AND HARD TO FIND. This pistol was not designed with a magazine disconnect, but the slide does lock back on an empty chamber. The right side of the barrel at the muzzle is marked with a “Crown / N” proof. A plausible explanation is that by the late 1930’s, Walther PP (and PPK) pistols were in huge demand by police, military, paramilitary as well as commercial clients. SOLD VERY RARE CZECH CZ36 PISTOL WITH FULL RIG, TOP EXAMPLE, Pre98 Antiques Military Firearms Collecting Outlook for 2020. 7.65 mm (32 ACP). This mark is found on early PP and PPK's. Crown over N became Eagle over N in 1941.If your PP has Crown over N, then it was made before 1941, otherwise it was made after 1941. 125, by James Rankin, 7000-10000 Walther PPK’s were made with 7 digit serial numbers prior to the K suffix serial numbers being used, which started in 1938. This pistol has a slide mounted de-cocker that blocks the hammer. MINTY! Most were made before 1940 and have "Crown N" proofs. BOTTOM OF THE BARREL SALE! THESE PISTOLS WERE BUILT FOR THE, IN EXCELLENT VERY SHARP CONDITION, UNISSUED AFTER ITS REBUILD AT THE RARITAN ARSENAL, WE HAVE A VERY RARE M1D SNIPER RIFLE, IN EXCELLENT TREASURED CONDTION, WE HAVE A VERY RARE AND HIGHLY SOUGHT AFTER VERY LATE PRODUCTION (1943) MAUSER MODEL S, IN 97% VERY SHARP CONDITION, WE HAVE A VERY RARE AND ELUSIVE CZECH VZ36 FULLY RIGGED OUT WITH THE HOLSTER, Colt General Officer & Rare US Property Pistols, H-42 Late War Police Eagle Marked P.38 soft shell holster. Magazine is correct in it's logo placment although not numbered. Walther “RZM” PPK Semi Auto Pistol $ 2,475.00 “RZM” PPK Semi Auto Pistol, serial # 829xx1, cal. The PPK Model was also very popular in the civilian market. The smooth edges of the grip show several light handling marks with two dings in the bottom rear corner on the left side. PPK”. "N" indicates that the gun has been proofed with "nitro" or smokeless powder. Stock Configuration & Condition: The grip is a one piece brown checkered plastic with streaks of black that encloses the backstrap. Year of Manufacture: ca 1937 (According to “Walther”, Vol. 2/15/21 - This is an excellent example of a rare Walther RZM Walther PPK. What makes this one special is the "Eagle N" proofs. 2050 Donville Ave. Walther Pp 22lr Serial Numbers. The grips screw is sharp and the markings are clear. Only around 5,000 were so marked and they are very rare and highly sought out after by collectors. Sights / Optics: The front sight is a low profile blade fixed to the slide. It shows surface loss and pinprick surface erosion at the front of the slide, with thinning on the edges of the slide and frame. Overall, this handgun rates in about Fine condition. The proof law was passed in mid 1939, but the proofs were changed effective 1/15/1940. Additional proof and issue marks can be found on most models which increase their rarity. Waffenempt N is evident and clear on barrel and slide. SOLD MAUSER MODEL S CARBINE 1943 NAZI PRODUCTION MINTY AND RARE! Our Assessment: This Walther Model PPK was made in in the 1930’s before Germany changed their proof marks to an “Eagle / N” from the old “Crown / N” and somehow ended up in England where it acquired British proof and view marks. This PPK has the pre-war proof mark "Crown over N" which indicates the pistol was manufactured before April 1, 1940. The checkering shows light wear without mars.
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