金星 エウロパ BOLTOダメージで体勢を崩す他、火炎属性による追加効果も有効で、炎上すると高確率で悶絶する。, Update9から星系のレベル帯が大幅アップ。 i keep shooting and his shield & health stay at 100??? INAROS RHINO The confidence is oozing from him, his every line a gold mine. エリス Naturally, Tyl Regor 天王星のTitaniaに配置されたボス。 セファロン・スーダ 水中にいると彫像からの漏電でダメージを受け続けるので、素早く水面から足場に上がろう。 UNAIRU ニュー・ロカ, コンクレーブ メニュー検討 On the PC and Xbox One, the Tenno decided to give the research data to Alad V, while on the PS4 the Tenno sided Help Nef Anyo? I also love fashion, animals, and music. TITANIA MAG 足場の上にクローン体(ドレーカル マニック及びドレーカル マニック ボンバード)を複数体召喚する。 バルパファイラ, フォーカス Nef Anyo is a major antagonist in the MMO third person shooter Warframe and archenemy of Eudico, the leader of the Solaris United resistance. Intercepted Transmissions: Alad V vs Nef Anyo. アビリティ影響項目表 Folks at DE are definitely having fun with Hallowed Nightmares Halloween 2015 tactical alert. In short Tyl Regor lets out progressively more sinister and unhinged chuckles as you progress through his boss fight. Councilor Vay Hek is a major antagonist in the MMO third person shooter Warframe. NOVA VAUBAN 天王星 May 9, 2020 - Explore Nataruma Takiri's board "Troy" on Pinterest. アビリティ影響項目表 Suppose I can't blame you though... these'll be full grown soon.. 'n we both know what'll happen when they grab hold of a tender little thing like you." Lucas Schuneman, Actor: Marvel Avengers Academy. Tyl Regor: "Sick think you're doing Tenno. NARAMON, 敵勢力 ダイモス The round handle contains a motor powered by the crystal in the center and reels in the spearhead at … アービターズ・オブ・ヘクシス Let The Void guide you in this critical choice. また、壁のパイプから一定間隔で水が噴出するギミックがあり、水流にはダメージと押し流し判定があるので、素早く抜け出さないとダメージを負った状態で水中に落とされてしまう。, 一定時間(30秒ほど)経過すると、再びTyl Regorが現れるので倒すとミッション完了。, Tyl Regorはユニークな特性としてシールドリチャージディレイがなく、ダメージを与えても常時シールドが回復している。 HILDRYN You have unto the Void in the form of body and soul, and now The Void will give unto you, in the form of glorious wealth. セドナ, Warframe I fully well believe that DE's only character that doesn't feel terribly repetitive is Tyl Regor. OCTAVIA レッド・ベール WUKONG Will you stop or will you press on and deny Alad the redemption he seeks. You did the deed and now here is your reward. VOLT ミッション攻略 TRINITY タグ管理 NEZHA Here's your bonus. LOKI EQUINOX 天王星のTitaniaに配置されたボス。 詳細は用語集のTyl Regorを参照。 Update17にて外見が大きく変化し、サイボーグ化した手足と、アタッチメント切り替えできる両腕をしている。 尚、能力と外見が別人の様になっても上下逆に着用しているグリニアの仮面は相変わらずである。彼なりの拘りなのか。 LIMBO センティエント Or did you have another reason for supporting me? They are my strong passions. tyl regor not taking any damage? Also funny on a meta level when you learn that Tyl Regor and Nef Anyo have the same voice actor. Seeking Shuriken、Abating Linkによるアーマー削りは有効。 一発の威力はかなり高めだが、Captain Vorと異なりTeleportを使わない為、不意打ちを食らう心配は無い。 地球 SARYN 無所属, コーデックス 奇妙な物 Diamondkitty | I really love art and writing. Wear this badge to memorialize this battle. GRENDEL menu編集 ZEPHYR, コンパニオン キャバット As Alad V describes, he wishes the Tenno to obtain Tyl Regor's research before sabotaging the lab to potentially find himself a cure of the plague, to purify his Infested self and to redeem himself of his mistake. グリニア サンクチュアリ EmberのFire Blast、MagのPolarizeによるアーマー削りは無効。, SKANAを装備した接近戦型のグリニアボス。 クイル BANSHEE 火星 WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. VALKYR 感染体 ルドプレックス During Tubemen of Regor Mission (supporting Nef Anyo), During Tubemen of Regor Mission (supporting Alad V). CHROMA その他 このためこれまでのボスと違い持久戦に強く、シールドを破ってダメージを与えられる程度の火力が要求される。 EXCALIBUR FROST I must thank you for all your unwavering support during these troubled times. 感染体 See more ideas about troy, a frame house, a frame cabin. You have made a tough choice and followed through with decisive action. そしてその場から消え、ドレーカル マニック3体をスポーンさせる。, 一定時間(30秒ほど)経過すると、再びTyl Regorが姿を現して攻撃してくる。攻撃パターンは一緒。 但し、中途半端に距離をとるとSlash Dashを繰り出してくる。Stalker程ではないが高威力なので注意。 Nef Anyo hates Alad and will do anything to keep him from becoming strong again, including destroying the cure he seeks. グリニア You are tasked with a level 1-5 Infested Sabotage mission in some really foggy forest on Earth, without any prior indication whatsoever that you'll dropping in with nothing but your bare fists. These intercepted transmissions promise the opportunity to strike at the heart of Tyl Regor's secret cloning labs but this opportunity comes with a difficult choice. WISP オロキン Corpus rival Nef Anyo caught wind of this and intervened, offering the Tenno an alternative proposition to disregard Alad's pleas and would pay them to destroy the labs outright instead, not wanting Alad to make a recovery. He is the lead geneticist and head of the Grineer underwater laboratories on Uranus, trying to discover a way to halt the Grineer's clone degradation, which would significantly increase their lifespan and ensure their dominance of the Origin System. センティエント Stalker gave them the task of hunting down and killing Alad V for helping the Lotus and her Tenno. PROTEA オロキン NEKROS エントラティ レベリアン, Tips ZENURIK (results) quotes to Tyl Regor Rocket fists versus Star Platinum (entrance) Now that the greedy scientist is down, I'll take care of the rest of you Corpus freaks. また、document.write('')document.write('
')状態異常に耐性を持っておりソーティーミッションに行くようなプレイヤーでも注意が必要になる。 document.write('
')状態異常は有効。 おすすめフレームビルド 尚、能力と外見が別人の様になっても上下逆に着用しているグリニアの仮面は相変わらずである。彼なりの拘りなのか。, Tyl Regorのいる部屋には彼の彫像があり、海底の一部を利用した3層の吹き抜け構造になっている。, 最初はTyl Regorだけ登場し、プレイヤーへ攻撃を行う。 REVENANT HYDROID He is known for his work on Marvel Avengers Academy (2016), Rurouni Kenshin Part II: Kyoto Inferno (2014) and Zombie He is a member of the Corpus Board of Directors and the CEO of Anyo Corp. Anyo runs both The Index arena and the Fortuna debt-internment colony on Venus, which he rules with an iron fist. ケレス He offered a deal: if the Tenno agreed to bring him the data he needs, he would reveal the location of Tyl Regor's facilities to them and even pay them for it. As part of his efforts to cure the Grineer's Cloning Decay Syndrome, Tyl Regor has built secret underwater research facilities in the depths of Uranus's ocean and his research soon bears fruit in the form of \"tubemen\", specimens of Grineer that are stronger and healthier than normal Grineer. I wish I could go with Tyl Regor instead of Nef Anyo or Salad. Valérian. テンプレート Keep fighting for me, there's plenty of more when that came from.I'm[sic] so close I can taste it, I just need a little bit more information. MADURAI Both are offering to lead us to the labs. The Acolytes are minor antagonists in the MMO third person shooter Warframe. You must decide which is the lesser of two evils. IVARA センチネル You'll do it, I know you will because you can't resist the chance to make those Dogs squirm. Inbox messages and dialogue during the event. オストロン LAVOS フレームMOD解説 GAUSS Though all of Tyl Regor's "tubemen" were destroyed, the outcome of the event differed depending on the console. His new design incorporates these features into a new hulking body reminiscent of Or, help Alad V? ATLAS Alad V desires Tyl Regor's research into genetic repair, which he believes can cure him of the Infestation. Nef Anyo would prefer to keep Alad V out of the way, bribing the Tenno to destroy the research instead. STALKER Lotus is too formal, Alad is too emptily smug, Hek is a screaming potato, Anyo is a coward and has a dumb looking suit, but then there's Tyl Goddamn Regor. コンクレーブ Shattering Impact MODによるアーマー削りは有効。 各ページのナビゲーション. 土星 ベントキッド Alad V thinks these labs contain a cure for the Infestation that riddles his body and he wants us to find it. コメントページ一覧 Suppose I can't blame you though... these'll be full grown soon.. 'n we both know what'll happen when they grab hold of a tender little thing like you." KHORA Lucas Schuneman was born on October 31, 1980. MESA My path to good health is much clearer now. So the guides on youtube are useless... Use Nova, use Rhino use whatever... Thing is that for any Warframe to be useful i need mana\\energy etc. 木星 I always knew the Tenno were warriors of principle but your vigor surprises even me. I used one Rhino stomp and he just teleported at the same time and thats all... After that i just wanted to take him down the hard way. Vox Solaris It's good to know your price, Tenno. ボスの居る部屋は地形が入り組んでいる為、別の階層から射撃すれば更に楽勝である。 さらに2/3までダメージを負わせると、再び透明化して逃げ出したあと、今度は部屋上層に無敵状態で現れ、天井の窓の破壊し部屋に海水を流し込んで中層部分まで水没させる。 Instead you rallied to support a sick man. K-ドライブレース 窓の破壊演出時のTyl Regor出現位置は固定なので、破壊演出中にバレットジャンプなどで予め上層に上がってしまうと良いだろう。上手くバレットジャンプが出来ない場合は、壁面の太いパイプを利用して登る事も可能。 ソラリス連合 HARROW 海王星 モア Available to both PS4 and Xbox Tyl Regor is a major antagonist in the MMO third person shooter Warframe. 冥王星 1/3ほどダメージを与えると透明化して逃げ出した後、像の足元に無敵状態で現れ、ロケットパンチによる窓の破壊の演出により部屋に海水を流し込んで下層の海底穴部分を水没させる。このとき上層の壁面から足場がせり出して来る。 VAZARIN ネクロロイド, 星系マップ 230 Love Quotes To Help You Tell Him Everything You Feel GARA Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. STALKER コーパス 水星 フラグメント Tyl Regor最初聘用了Maroo去前往被遗弃的Orokin船只内寻找并回收了一份秘奥法典,然而由于Maroo看不惯Grineer,她给了他们一个假的法典,并把真货卖给了Corpus。Tyl Regor因为Maroo的背叛而愤怒,他命令部下抓捕她以便取回法典,如果有必要就杀死她——但这些Grineer只会遇见Tenno,因为Maroo … 近接ビルドの勧め ペリン・シークエンス Once a laughing stock among the Grineer leadership, Vay Hek has killed and threatened his way to becoming the highest-ranking individual in the empire, answering only to the Queens themselves, the supreme rulers of all Grineer. GARUDA Operation Tubemen of Regor: Tenno have the opportunity to strike at the heart of Tyl Regor’s secret cloning labs, but this opportunity comes with a difficult choice. スティール・メリディアン Tyl Regor used to be a fairly generic Grineer marine whose only noteworthy traits were the navy blue color of his armor and his upside-down mask. プレデサイト ASH ボスも25以上レベルが高くなったため、攻撃力・防御力とも大幅に上がっているので注意。, ミニゲーム OBERON XAKU アスレチック I have several hobbies and talents. 無所属 EMBER Oct 7, 2017 - This isn't your standard issue flail. They are fanatical followers of the Stalker who share his philosophy of vengeance and hatred for the Tenno and joined him after the events of the Second Dream quest. 作戦補給班 BARUUK コーパス &ref(): File not found: "2013-04-04_00012_0.jpg" at page "Tyl Regor". quotes to Alad V Your Zanuka is nothing compared to Star Platinum! NIDUS SKANAで殴りかかって来ようとする程度の距離を維持しつつ、退き撃ちすれば問題なく倒せる。 Shawzin, シンジケート [一覧] wikiwikiサンプル フォボス https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Operation:_Tubemen_of_Regor/Quotes?oldid=2102077. Kela De Thaym as well, but hers are more of a hysterical variety. ページ管理 Helminthシステムおすすめの組み合わせ, Help クブロウ After that time I tried to capture and dissect you, I thought you might still be holding a grudge. 詳細は用語集のTyl Regorを参照。, Update17にて外見が大きく変化し、サイボーグ化した手足と、アタッチメント切り替えできる両腕をしている。 MIRAGE NYX その場合、むしろ周囲の雑魚の方が危険なので、交戦を開始する前に掃除してしまうと良い。 Truly, the Tenno are saints. おすすめ武器
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