How poisonous they are. Then my other roommate woke up and made a pot of coffee with that water. %%EOF FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing media: Suitable extinguishing media for the surrounding fire should be used. endstream endobj 21 0 obj <>stream Products, value and service were second to none. Glad you're feeling alright! Exposure hazards: In combustion emits toxic fumes of sulphur oxides. I just need to drink a lot of water and that if I experience any discomfort, to call my doctor. 24, male, 5'9", 203lbs, white. If you feel ill, call your doctor. Page 2 Issued: 31/3/2006 5. Preventing poisoning. 頣�^q�I�U_�P��vH)%`pgj(������Γ$wC���.�T=���0*�-��ME%�s�@U�sL�:��1j� E�Y�R���Vnp �SX$�K�#|�ox?�SR�@�/v�w��(�� A large amount of liquid will injure a larger area. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Causes serious eye damage. Oust All-Purpose Descaler is designed to remove up to 100% of limescale* from common household appliances. well wyoo on what we should do, to cut a long story short i de scaled the kettle yesterday, left it in the sink, i used scaleaway, well i think thats what its called, its the blue packet descaler thing. OUST ALL PURPOSE DESCALER SACHETS Page: 5 Toxicity values: Route Species Test Value Units ORL RAT LD50 > 2000 mg/kg Relevant effects for mixture: Effect Route Basis Irritation OPT DRM Hazardous: calculated Symptoms / routes of exposure Skin contact: There may be irritation and redness at the site of contact. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing media: Suitable extinguishing media for the surrounding fire should be used. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. 5.2. Ask a doctor or medical professional on Reddit! Other hazards PBT: This product is not identified as a PBT/vPvB substance. your best bet is to go ahead and call poison control they will have the answers you need. If in eyes: rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Depends on the solution, but mostly no. If the person is conscious, encourage them to make their way out of the contaminated area, if at all possible. 4.1 out of 5 stars 36. ��s|.J��3��eNrL 11. There are several things you can do to reduce your or your child's risk of poisoning. Oust All Purpose Descaler removes limescale leaving appliances clean, fresh and working more efficiently. Causes serious eye damage. Vinegar is the most commonly used chemical to descale water heaters, coffee makers and shower heads and though I'm sure drinking enough vinegar will probably make you sick to your stomach the LD50 of acetic acid (which makes up 5% of a solution to be considered vinegar) is 3.3 grams/kg of body weight so you would have to drink … Free postage. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. £2.95. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions: Refer to section 8 of SDS for personal protection details. Wear protective gloves / eye protection. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture Exposure hazards: In combustion emits toxic fumes of carbon dioxide / carbon monoxide. OUST ALL PURPOSE DESCALER SACHETS Page 3 Issued: 01/11/2010 11. 12. The chemical ingested is Durgol Swiss Espresso Decalcifier - after it was run through our espresso machine once and our coffee machine twice and left over night. I unknowingly drank descaler/decalcifier. Causes serious eye damage. May be corrosive to metals. Eye contact: There may be pain and … (E��3"�"�g�.m�1�Y�;/�4/�\̑挨�s'C��P?��T��c�Ѽ(�Y���cR7�%k�"k�x�I-�7;���8#� �O]bΩ�����z��/$���{Ik��*t��eK�Xs�HT@�T�i��qA����cO�� �$��P�>�����Z3[�b��� The bottle format is perfect for use in toilets to keep them scale free. Could it have dissolved to the point that we shouldn't worry? 44. I'm 1/2 way through the cup and one of my roommate's just finished his, when my third roommate walks in and asked,"You removed that dirty water that was left in the pot, right?". �m�g2�lѤ�H���\�Ŭ@�a-�1�z�`*(�h'�J�T��]�-�j�>DU������]�>zt-���⦾�誔 �WsxY�4F��M�. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Poisonous fumes. Extinguishing media Extinguishing media: Suitable extinguishing media for the surrounding fire should be used. Wear protective gloves / eye protection. endstream endobj 23 0 obj <>stream Superfast action removes limescale deposits in just 10 minutes. The injury caused by caustic and corrosive chemicals can range from mild irritation to severe burns. ��� 28 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<74F8D1BC848F0342BBE53AB7B1624351>]/Index[17 18]/Info 16 0 R/Length 68/Prev 35585/Root 18 0 R/Size 35/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream OUST Aerosol - Clean Scent Version 1.0 Print Date 29.07.2014 Revision Date 11.06.2014 Specification Number: 350000009496 SITE FORM Number: 30000000000000008452.003 4/12 Ingestion : If symptoms persist, call a physician. 0 SAFETY DATA SHEET OUST DISHWASHER & WASHING MACHINE CLEANER. OUST’s range of products are designed to restore good-as-new shine and performance to your household appliances – no hassle, just great results. Having a medical issue? endstream endobj 22 0 obj <>stream dh comes home from work, adds more water to the water in the kettle (with scaleaway sulution in it) adds … 17 0 obj <> endobj Developed specially for use with your Limey, this non-toxic Limey Tap Descaler solution harnesses the natural cleaning power of citric acid to lift limescale and leave your taps free from build-up and looking as good as new. Advice for fire-fighters Environmental precautions: Do not discharge into drains or rivers. OUST All Purpose Descaler Causes skin irritation. PACK OF 4 BOTTLES If a large amount of liquid is swallowed, the patient is more likely to vomit. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. You basically drank some very very very diluted Cillit Bang. If the descaler is vinegar then you are not going to be in any harm. DANGER DANGER OUST Smart Brush Limescale Remover Keep out of reach of children. � Parents pass their physical characteristics, or traits, to their offspring.Offspring are the children of animal parents (and that includes humans, too).. Oust Kettle Descaler Drop In Bag Kettle Cleaner Limescale Remover Super Fast New. From what I read, they suggest the following: I also saw this: Oesophageal stricture and pyloric stenosis can occur after 14–21 days. She then left that water in the coffee pot over night. £10.99. 3. %PDF-1.6 %���� Press J to jump to the feed. The service and efficiency was not everyday. ��]�{´@a@ ���*�b�a�&� �ee/��A��C��n�YmM4����~��m��-�gY#-��[�.�H��4��1����r�pѾ��4f_��`� ��gc!H��2 �%��T�E��'W�(�ܱ�DIB[��|����I���>�>��Ջ�֩q�r�m�o�c��DnFuD�׆ȩ\��9�ӏU���͉M `!bn�Z�V�~Z)s�(`�� ��Tr� Rض����m�H篓x �e���v�2iP�1u��rTU\��;�I�@�:���6x���4@�G_!��M>�?ob���_�(��/����yT����0T���� ���H�ioW��5o�wo������r���Kjf��\�_eD�M��ס\�㹛�z�8��^�,(�|�i$fvx��=�gXg�4J�M\7�n�����.���O-ѺJ��M�%�)���R���ɐ�+��c���|k�"�>t����J��;b�K������Tʝ�9ӕ�q��:�ڀA3n��g�p�_���.i���E�-� ��X Once again, thank you for the responses. 2.3. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. OUST ALL PURPOSE DESCALER Page 2 Issued: 20/10/2008 6. 1800 222-1222. h�bbd``b`�@��1�`~$X*@gA,G�8���]$��0012, ic`D'�3�` �4 h�b```"=f^n^�e`B�/'zx�H|``�SÀ�E�P���dN����B}�I[�f0���R��? Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. 79. H��WK��0��W��j�?�G�J8�6�t�mQKK%��3c'ib'iWp Uj�yy��F���et����痗�g�����Vi��WC�w[����,�\��ymKOi���&�+�"��2D}� Keep out of reach of children. i forgot to empty and rinse, and left in a rush to make the long journey to my mums. Keep out of reach of children. The handy drop in bag and super fast action are perfect for descaling all types of … IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water. Protection of fire-fighters: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus. I wouldn't expect anymore than a little stomachache, at the very most. �o�= P310: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor. The eyes may … TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute effects: Risk of serious damage to eyes. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. I called up poison control. 5.3. Protection of fire-fighters: Wear self-contained breathing … OUST ALL PURPOSE DESCALER 3 SACHETS Page: 2 P305+351+338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Cookies help us deliver our Services. That's why Oust Kettle Descaler Drop in Bag is the convenient and quick way to restore kettles to their best in just 10 minutes. OUST All Purpose Descaler Causes skin irritation. )JT�^]�h�tl��h \S#gG���1�S��Q? EDIT: just noticed the update you've already added. Descaler and water filters Descaler and water filters are an everyday item we all need. h��T�n1��� "����TUJ OUST ALL PURPOSE DESCALER SACHETS Page: 3 5.1. All Purpose Descaler Especially Kettles, Coffee Makers, Steam Irons and Shower Heads Product information Manufacturer Oust ASIN B00EZTKMAK Customer Reviews: 4.1 out of 5 stars 12 ratings. Favourite answer Ask her what she used to descale the kettle. Exposure hazards: In combustion emits toxic fumes of carbon dioxide / carbon monoxide. endstream endobj startxref The lion is a member of the cat family, and shares many common traits of this family. If you think someone has inhaled poisonous fumes, assess the situation first and don't put yourself in danger. If on skin: wash with plenty of water. V�~�r�Nx����?f�@�? Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. 6 Pack of Oust Powerful Kettle descaler, Limescale Remover. Eye contact: There may be pain and redness. endstream endobj 18 0 obj <> endobj 19 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 20 0 obj <>stream Wear eye protection. Thank you for … 4.1 out of 5 stars Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No Date First Available April 17, 2014 If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. My roommate has a cartoon level of stupidity. Application varies depending on the appliance; either mix with cold water, hot water or apply directly. ��qY� Oust All Purpose Descaler is specially formulated to work quickly and easily to restore most small household appliances to their best in just 10 minutes; its super fast action is ideal for use in kettles, coffee machines, steam irons and shower heads. The active citric acid works to lift and remove tough limescale to keep your equipment clean and working at its best. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Oust All Purpose Descaler Superfast Action (3x25ml) - Pack of 2. H��VKo�0��W���z��k3t@�v�{رK�v[�tقm�~�l�m�0=�O�G�0���1��q#Yn,�%�,ɝe��l��-3��eO�R����Lp�[��K�+��e6��)�dS���KL��!���B1�Us چyY+�UyX�X+��Eĸp�{f$8�l������F��� �)�,ג+��in5�'}tsd�&��Έ��.�ב�Z`r]/�F��Ӗ# Descaler was fast efficient and totally great. I was told that because of the dilution (ran through multiple coffee machines, then more water was added to it and it sat over night), I should be fine. IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water. Could anyone shed any light as to what this is and what are the symptoms? A descaling agent or chemical descaler is a liquid chemical substance used to remove limescale from metal surfaces in contact with hot water, such as in boilers, water heaters, and kettles.Limescale is either white or brown in colour due to the presence of iron compounds.Glass surfaces may also exhibit scaling stains, as can many ceramic surfaces present in bathrooms … All Purpose Descaler Safety Warning: OUST All Purpose Descaler 500ml Warning: Causes serious eye irritation. Continue rinsing. It depends on the active ingredient, but possibly (and horribly). ��, If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. SAFETY DATA SHEET OUST ALL PURPOSE DESCALER - (SACHETS) Page 2 Issued: 06/04/2005 5. H!Z���Kb���M����x|��MKHy�ad{.g����P���i��T��D!�����rۘ��ܙ�3������4�����\ջ��Y���� g��7����d�m��l��n�x �pJ)0�轳~��vM�y3�n���Po�Ŵ]mPr=��[`��5a &�ݰ�\A��7��1���iW�k�N۾I�y���պ�bm{0l Turn leaking containers leak-side up to prevent the escape of liquid. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 7�Z�U����Z�*��j���J��b%��SU%Iæ�h�%�Zli�)�s�l�u��խ@�V�*��St�@�ӫ�Rv�.��SД���u:Y�O=P�����^ �΄��}�6`���! As it turns out, when I wasn't in yesterday, one of my roommates decalcified our espresso machine, then used that same water to decalcify our coffee machine - running that water through the coffee machine twice. 34 0 obj <>stream Keep out of reach of children. �bh4�ɲo薷��C��By��:��Φ^�X?���d��=�O�hb>��z�je\t/QhSe�i'���J��Qyh�O�8{��ǔ ��+�5[���6���u���X���{��@�-� �?�Kއ�w�G�Ԁ��Qe=�ԯaw�l7�o����zA�CT���_������tz�Z@��plK� The situation: This morning, I wake up to a pot of coffee ready made - which I thought was awesome considering, out of my roommates, that responsibility normally falls on me. Just carefully add the descaler solution to your Limey and place over the end of your tap for at least 60 minutes. Continue rinsing. Most descalers contain a concentrated acid designed to chemically break down the scale (which is typically composed of calcium carbonate). $9.99 shipping. Citrus Magic Natural Odor Eliminating Air Freshener Fresh Orange, Pack of 3, 3-Ounces Each. Wear protective gloves / eye protection. Click & Collect. Irritating to skin. Unsure if that time frame is relevant. IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water. H��V�n�0��+��� ��|@�%Ia'������$K\,�)�B�eI���y3��Ӈ��R��P,ar�^P�9Ϫ�/����� Free postage. Oust 500ml All Purpose Liquid Descaler: Kettle / Coffee Maker / Iron. Regular boiling can take its toll on a kettle causing limescale build up that not only looks unpleasant but also reduces performance and can shorten a kettle's life. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Keep out of reach of children. Wear protective gloves, eye and face protection. SAFETY DATA SHEET OUST KETTLE DESCALER BAG Page 3 Issued: 01/06/2009 ORL MUS LD50 5040 mg/kg ORL RAT LD50 3 g/kg SCU RAT LD50 5500 mg/kg Routes of exposure: Refer to section 4 of SDS for routes of exposure and corresponding symptoms. This morning, I wake up to a pot of coffee ready made - which I thought was awesome considering, out of my roommates, that responsibility normally falls on me. For example, identical twins … 14 Slides include: *Adaptations Reading Passage and Questions Size and Strength At over 400 pounds and 9 … TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION (SYMPTOMS) Skin contact: There may be irritation and redness at the site of contact. From what I understand, it's a cocktail of acids. … They are commonly highly caustic. £4.99. Contains formic acid. $21.44 $ 21. (141) 141 product ratings - OUST Kettle Descaler - Drop In Bag - Perfect For Removing Limescale - Brand New. Snakes and insects, such as wasps and bees, aren't poisonous, but their bites or stings can contain venom (toxin). Choose From: Tap & Shower, Washing Machine/Dishwasher, Kettle, Spray or our Multi Purpose Descaler in varying formats. �/�c� )����@s\x���e�W��'�8�E1��.W.Jig����8���Z=�F��UQx]�ǺS�.\ў���=J~W\�?���'�s����C�>����ZR�'龗n�(=h�S�-�C�U%M�#1U�v�)*�ac\� ��2z4,6�ha��P�->��P vQ���J Kz%���"I|�c�_6�x�()�#q��}�)���Ԗ�U�4f�< �`c����v�Jj�m�.#5Q5����T�I�L>���)^_�U��Q����&�h�HH���y>���*Tu@H���k��v\�#���Cb�!&���\�� !�o�?IH���^� )N&$�JB�$B�M������x��^�@HO��RKH� f� Danger Oust all purpose descaler causes skin irritation. Read more about the causes of poisoning. Ignoring the decalcifier propped up against the machine, thinking someone was "being nice" filling up the coffee pot with the dirty yellow water - that he used. $9.99 shipping. $8.79 $ 8. 4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed Eyes : May irritate eyes. All flaired medical professionals on this subreddit are verified by the mods. The severity of injury depends on: - the amount swallowed or in contact with the skin.
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