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News of the events arrived through Spanish America during the next three weeks to nine months, depending on time it took goods and people to travel from Spain. In the late 15th century, Cristóbal Colón, known in the English-speaking world as Christopher Columbus, a man well-read in geography, astronomy, history, and theology who had extensive maritime experience, believed he could sail west across the Atlantic to reach Asia. The Catholic Monarchs, as Ferdinand and Isabella came to be known, completed the conquest of Granada in 1492. Haitian president Alexandre Pétion gave the exiles military and monetary aid, which allowed them to resume the struggle for independence in conjunction with the patriots who had organized the Llaneros into guerrilla bands. For a period of almost eight hundred years that started in 711 with the invasion of the Iberian Peninsula by the Muslims, what is now mainland Spain experienced a process fairly akin to colonialism. By May 6, 1816, the combined efforts of Spanish and colonial forces, marching south from Cartagena and north from royalist strongholds in Quito, Pasto, and Popayán, completed the reconquest of New Granada, taking Bogotá. For starters, Spanish Muslims continued to exist after 1492, and their eventual expulsion from Spain was due to the rebellions that followed the successful conclusion of the Reconquista. By August Bolívar was in control of Bogotá and gained the support of New Granada, which still resented the harsh reconquest carried out under Morillo. It truly was a tortuous process complicated by the high degree of integration between Muslims and Christians in many parts of the country and also by the fact that the Christian states were often as much at war with each other as they were with the Muslims. Except for royalist areas in the northeast and south, the provinces of New Granada had maintained independence from Spain since 1810, unlike neighboring Venezuela, where royalists and pro-independence forces had exchanged control of the country several times. The Reconquista began with the Battle of Covadonga about 718, when Asturias engaged the Moors, and it ended in 1492, when Ferdinand and Isabella (the Catholic Monarchs) conquered Granada. colonization of the New World. In 1179 Alfonso II of Aragon and Alfonso VIII of Castile concluded the Pact of Cazorla, an agreement whereby the task of reconquering the Moorish kingdom of Valencia was reserved to the Aragonese crown. Sancho created the kingdom of Aragon in 1035, and his successors there pursued the Christian reclamation of the peninsula in earnest. Reconquest, is very important to explain Spanish regional economic development. The significance of la Reconquista in Spain was that it was a period marked by Christian re-conquest of Christian territory that had been seized by the Muslim kingdoms. Spanish Jews pleading before King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, while grand inquisitor Tomás de Torquemada argues for their expulsion from Spain, in a painting by Solomon A. Hart. In New Granada, patriots reacted to the expeditionary force with disunity, aiding Morillo's advance. The Christian kingdoms of Castile and León also fought, as did the kingdoms of Aragon and Navarre. The Spanish conquest of the Aztec and Incan Empires were two of the major episodes in the Spanish colonization of Latin America. Osorio succeeded in organizing local recruits into a mobile army of some 5,000 men, of which the troops of the Talaveras Regiment were practically the only Spaniards. The Reconquista was not carried out by the Spanish alone, however. After royalist forces took Santiago, patriots found in the city—among whom were members of the First Junta—were exiled to the Juan Fernández Islands. The restoration of royal rule was short lived, reversed in these three countries. The impact of these expeditions was most notable in Pablo Morillo's expedition against New Granada, and Venezuela. Although Afonso I granted charters to new settlements, it was his son Sancho I (reigned 1185–1211) who enfranchised many municipalities (, The Iberian reconquest, which began as a traditional war of conquest, became a crusade against Islam and fused an Iberian Catholicism that Spain and Portugal later transplanted around the globe. Naturally, however, the first European explorers of the northern continent were still the Spanish, and while much of the lands they claimed remained unsettled for centuries, the writ of the Viceroyalty of New Spain (which also included Mexico and the Philippines) extended throughout much of the southern half of the modern United States, from Florida to the Pacific Coast. From 1519 to 1521 the Spanish, led by Hernan Cortes, conquered the Aztec Empire. The Crusades (1095–1396)…, of Asturias-León-Castile to begin the reconquest of Spain.…. The Reconquista was a very significant event in Spain. A small part of the main corps set off towards Panamá, while the main contingent was directed towards the Neogranadine coastal city of Santa Marta which was still in royalist hands. In the meantime, the Christian and Islamic peoples of Spain had become tightly associated with each other culturally and economically, to the extent that consequences of the crusading spirit that manifested in the 11th century were often scarcely less harmful to the Christian conquerors than to the conquered Moors. The Reconquista began not as a religious crusade but rather as a matter of political expansion. In order to comprehend the reasons that Cabeza de Vaca’s pattern of contact was an exception to the general rules of Spanish expansion, we must first explore the background of the group of people that are known in the history of American conquests as Spaniards. Chile was secured from royalist control and independence was declared in 1818. When Spain colonized Central and South America in the sixteenth century, it had all the experience gathered in the Reconquest and through the policies implemented in the occupation of Muslim lands. The term used in the past century by some Colombian and Chilean historians makes an analogy to the medieval Reconquista, in which Christian forces retook the Iberian Peninsula from the Caliphate. The rulers of Asturias were the first to try to wrest Spain from the Moors. Overall, Europeans formed only about a tenth of the royalist armies in Spanish America, and only about half of the expeditionary units once they were deployed in the Americas. The Second Crusade had a branch focused on Iberia. The restoration of Ferdinand VII signified an important change, since most of the political and legal changes done on both sides of the Atlantic—the myriad of juntas, the Cortes of Cádiz and several of the congresses in the Americas, and many of the constitutions and new legal codes—had been done in his name.

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