Yes, you can shoot buckshot from any choke tube up to "full" choke. All foster type slugs shoot to the left of point of aim, no matter what choke you use. If you took a moment to read my post from Mossberg you'll even find that a Mossberg 500 can safely fire slugs through a full choke but not on a Mossberg 935 or 835. My understanding is that the slug can contact the restriction in an uneven way, sending it off course. If your accuracy with this choke is acceptable, stick with it. Slugs run down a smooth bore, hit a tube and twist. I've done it with my Mossberg 500 using IC, Mod, and Full. Rarely found, these are used by a few turkey hunters. The “full” or “modified” choke tubes are preferred for buckshot loads. Yes, you can shoot rifled slugs through your modified choke. james boland // September 29, 2016 at 10:01 am // Reply your test on 12 ga im cyl,and full choke was the answer for new to buckshot,and chokes.this was the answer for me.thank you. “So son, explain again exactly why there’s a stripper in your bedroom? It’s not advisable to shoot slugs from a full choke, but you’d have to be pretty much only shooting slugs out of a very old barrel to realistically harm it. It will merely be inaccurate out of a regular fixed choke. First, it is typically a good idea to have a wider choke tube for firing slugs. Rifled slugs are to be used in smooth bore shotguns, you could add a rifled choke tube but that is not necessary. This article contains everything you need to know about shootings slugs with your Mossberg 500. You can do it; but it’s very dangerous. The problem with full chokes and foster slugs is generally accuracy. You can shoot them through a Full Choke. I do know that whatever he did to it, it didn't effect the accuracy; I can knock birds out of the air with it extremely well (which is why I was wondering if the slugs might not have opened it up a bit, creating a wider spread). However........I ain't gonna try it!!!! A rifled choke tube can and does help with slug accuracy but will destroy buckshot patterns. It is not safe to shoot slugs through chokes tighter than those listed here. The ribbing prevents damage to barrels equipped with chokes. Sure you can. My HD shotgun is an 870 20in rem choke barrel with a modified tube in it. I've been told it is unwise, even unsafe to fire a slug in shotguns with full chokes as the compression and clearance out the barrel could be too tight and would possibly cause an ugly event. Gun experts will tell you that slugs are better used with chokes that have less constriction. Pattern your gun before hunting with buckshot. Three quarter choke @ 12 metres. If you want to use any other rounds get a non rifles barrel threaded for a choke. As stated by some of the others, I would also advise against shooting slugs in your full choke guns, buy a new barrel! I have a set of 3 screw-in chokes. Re: Is it safe to fire a solid slug thru a full choke shotgu With the proliferation of layers, you can have absolute faith that it is not a problem, else there would be 5 pages of disclamers, and a rent-a-shyster card attached. I speak with some authority. You can go larger diameter ie; Light Modified (.15”), Improved Cylinder (.10”), Skeet (.005”) or Cylinder Bore (.000”). A "rifled" slug will work fine with any choke tube from cylinder bore to extra full, the ammunition manufacturer has no way of knowing who has what choke in their shotgun when using their product, so they cut ribs-not really rifling into the outside diameter of the slugs so if they hit a full or extra full choke the slug will swage through. The first thing to do is pattern the buckshot with each choke at the same distance, 12 metres is a good range to start the process as the pattern has some time to spread out: Cylinder choke @ 12 metres. A slug can snap a finger off. At least, that’s how it should work in theory. They swage down to the muzzle just fine. It's basically a straight-through choke tube. You may also want to check and see if it has a full choke barrel, some people have had trouble with full choke barrels not being as accurate. Many shotgun slugs are right at about.73ish - larger than the full choke. However, since a full choke is narrower, it may wear out quickly or fracture with repeated use. All information is provided "as is" with all faults without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Read on for another quiz question. Hog: Don't know what kind of slugs he used. If shooting slugs in full chokes was the least dangerous, I would not be writing this. I would not use most brenneke style slugs (which are far superior) in such a bore for this reason. far I've only used shot thru it for's never been out in the field..A friend gave me a few 1 oz. That is undoubtedly a full choke and shooting slugs through it can damage that barrel, which by itself is worth $300. ", Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Tiny projectiles, shitty penetration and accuracy. They do not have that hollow space to allow them to deform easier, and some are hardened for increased penetration. Although The High Road has attempted to provide accurate information on the forum, The High Road assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information. I would not shoot them through an extra full turkey type tube. If you choose slugs that aren’t ribbed to fire from a smooth-bore shotgun equipped with a choke, you can damage the barrel. punkin ball / rifled slugs, never use in a mod/ full choke tube or any extra full barrel. Quarter choke @ 12 metres. 20ga Slugs Any 20ga should bea able to shoot slugs. I have no desire to try it, but I do have a couple of older shotguns with full chokes and I do have slug shells around. They are significantly tighter than a full, and can result in spiking pressures in the gun. Slugs, buckshot and steel shot loads are not recommended for use with an extra full “turkey tube” installed, due to the tube’s tight constriction. Can you use a slug with a choke? Do not listen to idiot sales persons, and others who are simply ignorant. Yes, you can fire a slug through a full choke, and it’s relatively safe (ALWAYS read the ammunition advice). The tighter the choke, the farther left the slug will shoot. Heck no. It even differs by model among the same manufacturer. Accuracy may or may not be as good with slugs through a Full choke as through a looser choke, but some guns shoot great patterns through Full choked guns. with full choke in pristine condition..the barrel says it will accept 2 3/4 and 3' cham. Maybe enough for a dog or a small white tail at close range. Have read that you need to keep an eye on screw-in chokes; seem to remember someone online mentioned about one flying downrange after an extensive # of slugs. I wouldn't have anyway, but I'm VERY positive now that it's not the thing to do and I will caution others against it, thanks folks! This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Half choke @ 12 metres. This would probably have been in the 1960's or 1970's. hoghunting, Jul 8, 2007 #2 You could even shoot rifled slugs through a full choke. I worked on a buddy's shotgun that has used many slugs through his fixed full choke and leading was the only problem - aside from the fact that it wasn't that accurate. What is an improved cylinder choke used for? If you have slugs, then it is okay to use them with a modified choke but it is not recommended. Now hardened lead slugs, or jacketed full sized slugs, or slugs made from a metal harder than lead could be seriously dangerous as they will not swager to size as easily, and in some cases not at all. Second, each shot may expand the metal in the tube, making it near impossiable to remove. But you will probably have best results with a modified or improved cylinder. Full choke @ 12 metres BC2, I would think that it would be OK, since the constriction for a full choke is not that extreme. Do not fire any load without a choke tube installed, doing so will damage the internal choke tube threads. A forum community dedicated to Smith & Wesson firearm owners and enthusiasts. An improved cylender choke works best, and give you the ability to shoot out to 100 yds with rifled slugs, and you won't have to worry about bullet drift nearly as much. If he is shooting lead slugs, his barrel is fine, although it probably has a lead build up at the choke. Only a few that I have seen are not. A threaded choke might get slightly damaged if you shoot enough of them. Absolutely! Yes, you can shoot rifled slugs through your modified choke. Benelli recommends using the "cylinder" choke, with rifled slugs, but of course, does not include one with the Supernova. Favorite Answer As others have stated do not shoot slugs through a full choke. A cylinder choke is recommended for shooting rifled slugs in a smooth-bore barrel. Some rifled slugs will tell you they can be fired through any choke but mention that improved cylinder chokes get the best performance usage. I have been able to hit out to 75 yds with slugs in a full choke barrel, but you will be shooting way left of target, so you must adjust for point of impact. I hope you can help to ease my mind..Ok..I have a Winchester 840 single shot 12ga. Full choke standard is.690. These chokes are recommended for slugs: 4 notches = Improved cylinder 5 notches = Cylinder. Slugs should not be fired thru an Extra Full Choke. So, when you shoot that lead slug (talking traditional lead slugs, not sabot slugs) you are going to wind up deforming the slug and making your barrel a … For what reason? Make sure it is chambered for 3 inchers if you are going to try and shoot 3inch slugs, 2 3/4 inch slugs would be the safest bet. Cylinder, Improved Cylinder, Modified, Full choke all can be used, though the Turkey chokes are a bit too constricted for safe use of slugs. Sabot slugs should only be shot through our fully-rifled slug barrels. Modified (.20”), is the most constrictive choke you should use with slugs, and never use a FULL choke. Anyone? This may not be the best place to ask the question, but I thought I'd at least start here. Neither The High Road nor any of its directors, members, managers, employees, agents, vendors, or suppliers will be liable for any direct, indirect, general, bodily injury, compensatory, special, punitive, consequential, or incidental damages including, without limitation, lost profits or revenues, costs of replacement goods, loss or damage to data arising out of the use or inability to use this forum or any services associated with this forum, or damages from the use of or reliance on the information present on this forum, even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages. I doubt that the slug would get stuck in the barrel. Or, you could use rifled slugs. Old timers have always told me it was OK, I never did nor will I. I use sabots out of a rifled shotgun barrel. It increases the pressures to dangerous levels. Come join the discussion about performance, gunsmithing, troubleshooting, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Rifled slugs act as though the barrel of your gun is rifled, even though it isn’t. You can shoot the foster slugs through any choke up to and including a full choke. - Harry Patch, Eaglescout, BCCI lifemember , Life Member NRA. But you will probably have best results with a modified or improved cylinder. Slug barrels are typically 24" in length with an Improved Cylinder choke. You may find the spread is much tighter, or much wider, than what you were expecting. That said, .410 slugs suck, bad. Most all 410 barrels are full choke. The conventional wisdom has long been that these slugs perform best with an Improved Cylinder choke. You may have accuracy issues out of a full choke, I would suggest an Improved Cylinder choke. I too am using the included IC choke, with slugs in my new Supernova, this season. You could even shoot rifled slugs through a full choke. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. JavaScript is disabled. Make sure to use the right slugs with the right shotguns and equipment. Usually, people use these chokes with shells filled with lead pellets. It’s common knowledge that rifled slugs are meant for use in smoothbore shotgun barrels, while rifled shotgun barrels and rifled choke tubes are meant to produce better results (meaning better accuracy) with sabot slugs, whose smooth outer … Agree with Novaking, that the IC will work fine with slugs. Since it's guaranteed people WILL shoot slugs through Full chokes, the rifling "fins" on rifled slugs are designed to easily swage down to pass safely through the choke. Discussion in 'Shotguns' started by Regolith, Jul 7, 2007. There are laws that gun manufacturers have to follow regarding this situation, to make it safe for the guy who may grab a slug and try to fire it through a barrel with a full choke. Though ammunition is highly variable, and all guns digest ammunition a little differently than one another, I’d be inclined to start with an IC choke. so you are either over tightening or loosening the tube with each shot.
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