It was dropped as a caliber option in 1914 then resurrected in 1922. View the SDS Reloading Chart For 38 Special But, No load data for the 140 grn cast boolit. 9mm Luger. I have some W231 that I use for my .38 super. It shot well out of my K-frame S&W. (function(d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if (d.getElementById(id)) return;js = d.createElement(s); = id;js.src = "";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); I'm looking for an accurate load using 125gr bullets. Phone 309-928-2574.) head I use 3.2gr. I do this for my .357s but this article is about .38 Special loads. Pistol and Handgun Reloading Data. Different cast bullet designs include: (1) Lyman No. Bullseye 9mm Load Data. These are hand loads.. load data was published in Lyman 50th edition.. In order to fit inside .38 Colt cartridge cases, bullet diameter had to be reduced to about .357 inch, give or take a thousandth or two. I was wondering if I could use 148 grn cast data for the 140 grn, and if so would I have to download the powder and by … For this system to work in .36-caliber percussion revolver barrels, a bullet’s full diameter needed to be at, or in excess of, .375 inch. Winchester’s 231 or WSL are also good powders for the .38 special. 38 Special Lead Reloading Data. No jackets or plated but coated lead is ok. 4.0 gr. I first started reloading 40+ years ago at a Lee Loader in .38 Special for a brand new Smith & Wesson Model 66 I had just purchased. Litterally I have loaded thousands and thousands of 38s with 3.4 grains of BULLSEYE and a 158 grain RCBS RFN Cowboy boolit. So far we have been concerned with bullet diameters in the many so-called .38s, but let’s look at case lengths. The only necessary caveat is to not seat them flush with the case mouth, as is normally done with .38 Special cases. The cartridges were loaded to an OAL of 1.250" and a .379" crimp was applied with a Lee factory crimp die. 2 alloy formula is 195 grains. .38 Special High Speed loads for the 38/44 Outdoorsman. 38 Special. The humble revolver has lost some of its popularity in recent years, but there are still many who welcome the challenge of shooting a wheelgun. At 10 yards, these 6 shots grouped in an area 5 inches accross. The standard target load at the time was a 148-gr. It was simply the .38 S&W in all respects, except its bullets were flatnose. This load, taken from the Speer Reloading Manual Number 13, uses Speer cases and CCI 500 primers. I'm looking for load data for standard pressure 38 Special loadings, preferably with bullets in the 130gr range using Unique powder. #358429 Keith over 5 grains of Unique. At the range where I shoot, we get into informal competitions that involve shooting small objects (for example, clothespins) at 25 yards, and sorta small objects (clays birds) at 100 yards. Testing out some bullseye with 125 berry's bullets.. have been factored in, but... Looks like starting with roughly 4.2 of W231. Thanks for the start load............ Power Pistol will run lower pressures for the same velocity than W-W 231. Data will be standard “book” .38 Special data and I’ll not attempt to “hotrod” the loads. 32 S&W Long. ... it's the highest performance .38 Special load you can make, and the cleanest dang thing you'll ever shoot in your gun. I've found some murmurs online about hot but still standard loads under a 158gr hat that's close to what I want, but I'd prefer the 130gr bullet. In 1930, Smith & Wesson introduced its first .38 Special revolvers on .44 frames, including the Heavy Duty (top) and Outdoorsman (bottom). Load data for the 38 Special ... 140gr JHP 3.9 gr: VV N100 933 fps: 1.445" CCI 500 : Accurate; Suggested starting load: 3.5 gr 38 Special Full Wadcutter stability? … My reasoning is that I had a .357 Magnum, and surely, it should be able to take the .38/44 loads in .38 Special cases easily as that was a factory loading once upon a time. In Bullseye there is a. No compression that I can tell when seating the round. While it has been overrun by newer, high performance cartridges for hunting, home defense or casual shooting, it is still hard to beat the Special. Case heads for all these .38s were similar, if not identical – in a practical sense, meaning handloaders can use the same shellholders for all. It was first chambered in a small, top-break revolver that gained the nickname “Baby Russian.” Instead of performing tricks, like having oversized barrels combined with heel-base or hollowbase bullets, the firm designed the new round to take .360-inch bullets with their full diameter extended inside cartridge cases. It was headstamped .38-44. WC over 2.7 grains of Bullseye. Lyman’s catalog weight for this bullet with its harder No. Later they became the Models 20 and 23. If range testing points to better accuracy at slightly below full-charge, I'll certainly consider those. 1.455 in. Of course, these will be used in a revolver. Pet Loads and Handloader are registered trademarks of Wolfe Publishing Company. Power Pistol won't work for me. At about the same time, Colt did the same thing with the .38 Special, calling it the .38 Colt Special – again the only difference in factory loads being a flatnose on the 158-grain bullet. There is no single formula that all Bullseye shooters employ; several loads will produce excellent accuracy. Principal Purpose: Handgun loads Remarks: America's best known pistol powder. So, I'm guessing the pressure curve isn't as severe as some of the faster burners. 45 Colt. In this report, I'm focusing on .45 ACP loads with 185-grain jacketed bullets. Loads of 3.8, 3.7, 3.5, 3.4, 3.2, 3.0, and 2.8 grains of Bullseye were tried. In addition to the Clark conversions (and those of other gunsmiths such as John Giles) Smith and Wesson produced the Model 52 (photo at top of page) a production target gun made specifically for … I'm going to use Berry's 125 gr HP bullets for some .38 spl loads. 5 are good choices. Bullet seated just below flush with case mouth moderate roll crimp. Load data for the 38 Special ... 140gr JHP 3.9 gr: VV N100 933 fps: 1.445" CCI 500 : Accurate; Suggested starting load: 3.5 gr Never could figure that one out. Some of the more popular models were crafted by the iconic gunsmith, Jim Clark of Shreveport, LA. Canister Sizes: View All Bullseye ® Recipes. My favorites run from 150 to 160 grains, and when perusing custom cast bullets in my storage shed, there are shapes from wadcutters to roundnoses to roundnose/flatpoints. Suydam wrote that the last catalog mention of a “.38 flat point Colt Special” load was by Remington in 1955. When using a 158 gr. The nearest that I can find is for Hornady xtp in 140 grn, using AA#2, which is not available locally. Easy to remember too. I was just trying to get a general consensus of what other guys were using. When you say "not working" can you be more specific? It is Lee, 358 dia., 140 grn. The .38 Special's MAP is 17,000 psi, whereas for the .38 Special +P it is 20,000 psi. I'm using it as my defense ammo for all of my 38 specials now. 2 Enfield revolver. Any hotter and we get into a recoil issue. Some medium fast powders would work with lighter weight bullets. 357 Magnum. 44 Rem. I researched .38/44 data and came up with the reference. 25 Auto. Bullet diameter with the new round was, for some reason, decreased by .003 inch. In 1930, Smith & Wesson and Remington-UMC introduced a special load for heavy-frame .38 Special revolvers. Load with 38 S&W data. My go to load for .38 Super: 4.0 grains Bullseye 125 grains Hornady XTP or HAP (0.356") Good luck. Moving to .38 Colt handguns made in the smokeless-powder era but still with grossly oversized bore dimensions, the best handloading route with modern powders is hollowbase bullets. I've been using the same powders forever. Load it in 38 Special dies. Moving on to .38 Special, it is impossible to come up with something that hasn’t been said many times over in the past 118 years. I agree with your .38 Special assessment points for the very same reasons. The previously stated .38 Special wadcutter loads are pretty classic. Powder Loads For 38 Special. (MODERN RELOADING Second Edition - Richard Lee) Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. If any of the major bullet mould manufacturers produce a design that falls from the blocks at .360 or slightly larger, I’m not aware of it, and it’s not required. .38 Special (Using Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 353 loads. for the magnum pistol loads and for rifle. 4.4 gr. Min Charge Max Charge Optimal Charge Bullet Make Bullet Type Primer Notes; Hodgdon - 700-X: 125 gr. The fast powders, W231, HP38, Bullseye would go over pressure very quickly with any slight changes, in seating depth or primer change. Interestingly enough, none of those revolvers were caliber stamped “.38-44.” All were still just labeled “.38 Special.” These were the precursors to .357 Magnums and pushed 158-grain bullets 1,200 fps. Competition called Distinguished Revolver where 38 Special revolvers and you must shoot 158 RN or SWC lead bullets. I use Bullseye powder but it's about the same burn rate. 480 Ruger. For .38 handloaders, stick with the fastest-burning powders available: Bullseye, Titegroup, W-231 (HP-38), Nitro 100, etc. Original .38 S&W Special factory loads contained 21.5 grains of black powder and 158-grain bullets. It will then fit in your 38 Special gun. If any .38-caliber centerfire handgun cartridge was ever made for use with anything other than small pistol primers, I’ve never encountered a sample. Let’s look at .38 S&W at this point. A database of .38 Special +P handloads. Naturally, bullet casters have a plethora of options to choose from, along with alloy mixes. While I like Bullseye its range in some calibers is limited and reloading date the same. Browsing the Hodgdon data center you can load the Hornady 158-gr XTP with 11.0 of H4227 and get 950 fps out of it and still be under 18,000 psi. (MODERN RELOADING Second Edition - Richard Lee) Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. I'm looking for suggestions on .38 special loads. 3.8 gr. You won't be able to crimp, but that might not be a problem. I've tried Berry's plated as well as Remington. I don't know what bullets you have, but Berry's recommends per their website to use hard cast data for their plated bullets. I load 4.2 Bullseye behind a 158 rn which is a max standard pressure load per the Lyman cast bullet handbook. My lightest trail load for the .38 Special is assembled with two Lyman bullet designs, the 155-gr. I have to say BULLSEYE times three for my three favorite 38 Special loads. I started with Bullseye and while I didn't have a problem with it, I just found that HP-38 and Win 231 flow better from the powder measure and are used in more load data. Lube is the Magma hard lube. As an old bullseye guy I've stuck with Bullseye powder for almost 30years using lead bullets. It seems to burn completely in the .38 and is not as critical as the faster powders like Bullseye. Select A Caliber or Gauge Below To View Recipes. 454 Casull. Jim I don't load target wadcutters very often but if I did I would go with the time tested Bullseye load. Loading Practice Rounds For The Classic .38 Special Accurate rounds can be loaded whether you throw your powder charges with a rotary powder measure or scoop them with a dipper. 32 H&R Magnum. The latter are a handfull from my 642. I found the plated wadcutters to have NO accuracy. During this same time frame, Smith & Wesson was not quiescent in regard to .38 handguns. However, Unique is the only powder I am using for lead 38 special rounds. Min Charge Max Charge Optimal Charge Bullet Make Bullet Type Primer Notes; Hodgdon - 700-X: 125 gr. Any clues for powder and starting loads???? If load data for your powder or bullet is not displayed here, search for data that uses Cast Lead (CL) or Plated bullets ... .38 Special.38 Special.40 S&W.44 Special.44 Remington Magnum.45 ACP. New Starline .38 super comp cases were used along with CCI primers. .38 Special - Part 2 (Lee Precision Data) Warning! Reloading Data For 38 Special. I'll be shooting these mostly out of .357's but nonetheless don't want to exceed maximum .38 Special loads. 380 Auto. But, either way, a good scale like this Lyman model is essential for creating safe and accurate loads. Evidence of the .38 Colt’s popularity is that the Colt factory began chambering SAAs for it as early as 1886, and a .375-inch groove diameter was still used. In Bullseye there is a. .38 Special: Lyman #356242 LRN Bullseye - 2.8gr to 4.6gr, (+P) 4.9gr Lee #358-125-FN Bullseye - 3.2gr to 4.2gr (+P) 4.9gr Alliant Cowboy load data: 125gr Oregon Trails Bullet (22 BHN) Bullseye - 4.8gr Max (to find starting load reduce by 10% = 4.3gr) NEVER TRUST DATA SUPPLIED ON THE INTERNET BECAUSE MISTAKES CAN AND WILL HAPPEN. .38 Special - Part 2 (Lee Precision Data) Warning! With a wide variety of jacketed and lead bullets available, the .38 Special is still a joy to shoot and reload. If you have a lightweight .357 or older gun, you may want to start with 13% less than amounts listed above (but not where it says “start” load), and work up to the full loads. Winchester 231 is between Bullseye and Unique for the .38 special (see my personal load above). Doing so decreases case volume and raises pressures. ... looking for data on doing some jacketed 148gr .38 special wadcutters using w231. 4.2 gr. My longtime standard .38 Special regular load has been a 158 grain SWC over 5.0 grains of Unique. Years ago I worked up a bunch of 38 Special +P loads with different bullet weights and different powders. USE THIS DATA WITH ALLIANT BRAND POWDERS ONLY. Thinking of using it in NRA Action pistol or PPC. Whether it’s Bullseye, PPC, USPSA, ICORE, IDPA or Steel Challenge, the .38 Special revolver has a long history in competition. I don't load target wadcutters very often but if I did I would go with the time tested Bullseye load. Since black powder loading for Old West handgun cartridges is covered in depth in my book, Shooting Sixguns of the Old West, the accompanying table only shows chronograph results with smokeless propellants. Hornady I'm guessing they still go bang, and leave the gun to go downrange. Using bullets from heel Rapine 380.130, hollowbase Rapine 358.145HB, Rapine 358.145HB, Lyman 358430 roundnose. I agree with everyone who posted about HP-38 and Win 231. Alliant Bullseye Review. If it … Unsurpassed for .45 ACP target loads. 45 G.A.P. Before anyone gets too nervous, my K-38 has digested well over 10K of these and is still nice and tight. 45 Auto. The proof pressure MAP specified by SAAMI is 29,500 psi for both rounds. This load is about 150 fps faster than the original .38 Special loading, plus the flat nose bullets are certainly more efficient than the original round nosed. The .38 Special factory loads include a (1) standard 158-grain RN, (2) U.S. military 130-grain FMJ and a (3) .38 Special 200-grain RN. Horrible 5-12" groups at 25 yds. My experience has always been with bullseye powder. If you have a lightweight .357 or older gun, you may want to start with 13% less than amounts listed above (but not where it says “start” load), and work up to the full loads. Bullseye Gun Powder Reloading Data. So designers fell back on the 1840’s concept of Minié balls, wherein a soft lead projectile had a deep, hollow base. A good full power load for .38 Special +P revolvers uses the 140 grain Speer bullet in front of 7.0 grains of HS6 powder for a MV of 960 fps from a 6" revolver barrel. Our goal is to bring you everything you need to accurately reload your own weapon of choice, along with all the accessories to go with it. Powders include GOEX, Hodgdon, Alliant There was a time, in a galaxy far away, when revolvers chambered in .38 Special were among the most common handguns in the world. Wolfe Publishing Company | 2180 Gulfstream Suite A | Prescott, AZ 86301. A soft alloy bullet will expand to take up a few thousandths of an inch. I have nothing against Bullseye but in other .38 recipes have often found better accuracy with other pistol powders. for the magnum pistol loads and for rifle. Never could figure that one out. 627 Open revolver with 4.4 gr Bullseye and 130 gr Bear Creek bullets. Lighter Loads. Notes: With NEVER EXCEED LOADS maintain Minimum Over All Length or longer.Small Pistol Primer. Every cop on the beat carried one, and this was reflected in the competitive shooting world. 44 S&W Special. No problems were experienced using the Lee .38 super dies with the .38 super comp style brass. Mr. Clark built the .38 specials by converting Colt’s 38 Super model. The .38 Special's MAP is 17,000 psi, whereas for the .38 Special +P it is 20,000 psi. Revolvers chambered in .38 were widely used in matches and even semi-autos were built to […] According to U.S. Cartridges and Their Handguns 1795-1975 (1977) by Charles R. Suydam, original rounds of .38 Colt heel-base factory loads carried bullets from .378 inch to .381 inch in diameter. Re: 38 special loads by GrumpyOldMan Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:23 am IIRC, the NRA Action Pistol power floor is a "factor" of 125, which requires a full 1,000 fps for 125-gr bullets. Here's my 2 cents: Using a regular .38 Special charge of powder (such as Bullseye) but loading it with the same bullet but in a longer (.357) case results in pressure changes. Didn't seem all that fierce. I do this for my .357s but this article is about .38 Special loads. 148grain SVC WC-C 4.0 grains IMR 4756 884 FPS 3.5 grains Bullseye 930 FPS. Finally, there is a specialized .38 Special handload also requiring special revolvers (pun intended) acceptable for .38-44 factory loads that arrived in 1930. Basically I run between 3.6 and 5 grains. I have Bullseye and Win 231 powders. Nominal groove diameter for a .36 “Navy” was .375 inch. WC over 2.7 grains of Bullseye. 1.455 in. Whether you want to reload your own ammo for competitive or recreational purposes, we have a vast selection of reloading data to find that perfect pistol load. 40 S&W. Litterally I have loaded thousands and thousands of 38s with 3.4 grains of BULLSEYE and a 158 grain RCBS RFN Cowboy boolit. By clicking the link below, I understand and will agree to abide by the above precautions. My reasoning is that I had a .357 Magnum, and surely, it should be able to take the .38/44 loads in .38 Special cases easily as that was a factory loading once upon a time. Anyway, these guys are regularly capable of shooting less than 2 inches at 25 yards or 2 inches at 50 using a Ransom Rest. Accurate’s No. I burned up about 300 of them before giving up. The company introduced a new round in 1876, the .38 S&W. All data was safe in the test revolver. I prefer the Unique or Universal as all purpose, and I also use them for .38 special, just less of it. Therefore, .38 Special +P ammo can be as much as 17.5 percent hotter than standard .38 Special. There are so many new powders today, its hard to keep up. The .38 Special (2) is merely the .38 Long Colt (1) made even longer, and the .357 Magnum (3) is longer than both. That's usually +P power level in .38 Special. long-nosed semi-wadcutter. Jacketed bullets generally have the edge in accuracy over lead bullets, and among jacketed bullets, jacketed hollowpoint bullets are usually favored. I have a Colt factory specification sheet dated 1922, and the barrel groove diameter for all its .38s was .353/.354 inch (minimum/maximum). With a wide variety of jacketed and lead bullets available, the .38 Special is still a joy to shoot and reload. Powder Bul Weight C.O.L. To modern shooters focusing on handgun precision, it might seem fantastic to expect any sort of performance from a bullet expanding .018 inch before engaging the rifling. Get this: Upon its comeback, barrel dimensions were reduced to be more compatible with Smith & Wesson’s 1899 .38 Special. Therefore, .38 Special +P ammo can be as much as 17.5 percent hotter than standard .38 Special. (Some .357 Magnum brass was made for large pistol primers.) You can fit 7.1gr of powder under the 125gn JHP bullet? Bullseye always did seem to spill everywhere for no reason. Magnum. IIRC, the NRA Action Pistol power floor is a "factor" of 125, which requires a full 1,000 fps for 125-gr bullets. Generally, I'm looking for a load that produces accuracy from approx. If the look of a wadcutter bullet sticking out of a .38 Long Colt case disturbs traditionalists, Buffalo Arms is a source of cast hollowpoint roundnose bullets of alloy soft enough to expand as needed. .38 Special: Warning! Using bullets from Hornady HP-XTP, Hornady HP-XTP or FP-XTP, Hornady FP-Cowboy, Hornady HBWC, Hornady SWC-HP, SWC or LRN. 2 and No. long-nosed semi-wadcutter. Not to be outdone by Smith & Wesson, around 1905 Colt got a few ammunition companies to make a round called the .38 Colt New Police. Anyway, these guys are regularly capable of shooting less than 2 inches at 25 yards or 2 inches at 50 using a Ransom Rest. Competition called Distinguished Revolver where 38 Special revolvers and you must shoot 158 RN or SWC lead bullets. I can’t think of any cartridge so dear to the hearts of the American sportsman as the .38 Special. For example, my 1969 .357 Magnum SAA’s barrel slugs .354 inch. I agree with everyone who posted about HP-38 and Win 231. Shooters preferring to duplicate more modern .38 S&W ballistics would be well served with RCBS “cowboy” 38-140-CM roundnose flatpoint bullets. All of the loads listed were for the Lyman #358429, 358439, But, either way, a good scale like this Lyman model is essential for creating safe and accurate loads. Here's what the Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook says for cast 125g flatpoint for 38 in … Thanks for your help. .38 Long Colt reloading data with 14 loads. Except. .38 Special High Speed loads for the 38/44 Outdoorsman. 38 Special +P - Bullseye Forum Sources for hollowbase bullet moulds are nearly dried up. Here are some of the target loads we shot...Some of these loads are over book published load values and just because they worked for us, does not mean they will eb safe for not load over manufacturer book maximums. The revolvers are delightful little double actions, but the cartridge, as copied by the Brits, was simply the .38 S&W of the Super Police variety with a 200-grain bullet fired at a velocity of about 650 fps. Hornady Like most shooters of Old West handguns, the big .44s and .45s have captivated me most, but the .38s should not be overlooked. I can’t think of any cartridge so dear to the hearts of the American sportsman as the .38 Special. You will be, essentially, making 38 Short Colt. 38 spl to 45 acp. Including, free printable targets, tips, safety instructions and of course gun loads. Cases volume is not an issues for me. The standard target load at the time was a 148-gr. The proof pressure MAP specified by SAAMI is 29,500 psi for both rounds. Early in World War II, the Germans complained about the Brits using lead bullets, so their military loading was changed to a 172-grain FMJ at about the same velocity. So the Federal +P+ rating seems a bit optimistic. 4.2 gr. Fifty yards of course is the preferred distance. The .38 Colt. That designation actually meant: for .38 Special revolvers based on .44 frames. #358429 Keith over 5 grains of Unique. I'm looking for load data for standard pressure 38 Special loadings, preferably with bullets in the 130gr range using Unique powder. The latter are a handfull from my 642. Even better, is get some 38 S&W brass. 38 Special +P. At 850 feet per second, this is a fine varmint/jack rabbit load and certainly much better as a defensive load than the round-nosed .38 Special. I went from 2.7 to 4.0 gr and nothing to speak of. My 1:20 tin-to-lead blend brings them in right at 200 grains. Also, all can be fired in .38 Special or .357 Magnum revolvers, except for the .38 S&W, which should not chamber due to the cartridge’s large diameter and .360-inch bullets. 750-850fps. I recieved a new mold for Christmas for the .38 Special.
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