armageddon quotes grace

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armageddon quotes grace

Colonel William Sharp: It's a god damn Greek tragedy! Now let's keep the laughter to a minimum. | Harry Stamper: 20 years. You gotta have some kind of backup plan, right? Colonel William Sharp: The human thirst for excellence, knowledge; every step up the ladder of science; every adventurous reach into space; all of our combined modern technologies and imaginations; even the wars that we've fought have provided us the tools to wage this terrible battle. : Here's the key: you're going to remote-detonate the nuke... before the asteroid passes this plane,[Quincy shows a video of the asteroid]Truman: Zero Barrier. If I wasn't a Christian, I'd be throwing your fat, pinaple eatin' ass through the window! Shut your mouth! Woman with large breasts... woman with medium breasts... Rockhound: Oh, we at war! Soundtracks, pulls AJ's air hose out and rips off his own mission badge and hands it to AJ, pushes AJ back into the hatch and closes the door, the President asks about the size of the asteroid, going through the roughnecks' medical reports, In response to Rockhound riding the nuclear warhead, talking to Harry when he is on the asteroid, Camera shoots past the moon to slowly zoom in on the Earth, From behind the camera, a giant asteroid appears, speeding towards the Earth ahead of it, Blazing through the atmosphere, the asteroid impacts with a spectacular display of fire and destruction, Rockhound is duct taped down inside the spaceship to keep him out of trouble, Sharp reaches to cut engines, to return to the asteroid, since Stamper has not blown it yet, getting arrested by a policeman after a strip club brawl, A.J, Lev, and Bear are making the canyon jump and Lev is flying outside on the armadillo trying to fix it, a team of soldiers come into the control room via the elevators, the video of the asteroid fragments hitting the Earth is displayed, after escaping the Russian Space Station explosion, Seeing the drillers in their NASA uniforms, after most of them have failed their tests, AJ, Lev, and Bear are about to make the canyon jump, explaining to the Stampers about the asteroid, still looking through Rorschach inkblots; to the male psychologist, asteroids are hitting New York; sees a flying burning taxi in front of him, the shuttles are trying to land on the asteroid, Seeing Rockhound and the rest of the gang with all of the women, the Biker grabs Rockhound by the shirt and Max hits the biker over the head with a glass bottle and a fight ensues. Makes you feel good, doesn't it?" The Cubs win the World Series! I honestly think it's going to happen." They'll do it. Let's keep that under wraps, all right ? Grace: I, um, I lied to you too, when I told you that I didn't wanna be like you...because I am like you. Got a great view of the Earth from here. Bear: Harry Stamper: [A.J, Lev, and Bear are making the canyon jump and Lev is flying outside on the armadillo trying to fix it]. Rockhound: | : A man can work with one foot. The person that finds her gets to name her right? Rockhound: By all means. They've made a few requests though. Saddam Hussein is bombing us! Chick: Truman: The human thirst for excellence, knowledge; every step up the ladder of science; every adventurous reach into space; all of our combined modern technologies and imaginations; even the wars that we've fought have provided us the tools to wage this terrible battle. Everything good that I have inside of me, I have from you. Rockhound: I know the president's chief scientific advisor, we were at MIT together. Vinnie the loanshark: Rockhound: That's why I told you "touch nothing". [Windshield starts cracking] Lev Andropov: The Bible calls this day "Armageddon" - the end of all things. [explaining to the Stampers about the asteroid] Rockhound: Grace Stamper: Hi Gracie Hi honey. Max: A.J. The president's advisors are, um... wrong... and I'm right. Armageddon comes from Michael Bay and features an all-star cast led by Ben Affleck and Bruce Willis. You got that? Truman: I want you to take care of AJ. Grace Stamper: [talking to Harry when he is on the asteroid] Daddy? That'll put some hair on your ass! "I have no belief in The Bible or religion, but I think Armageddon was a lucky guess. [pulls AJ's air hose out and rips off his own mission badge and hands it to AJ] [salutes Grace] Colonel Willie Sharp, United States Air Force, ma'am. Get the book! Stuff like that. I'll stay and take care of it. Zero Barrier. Released on July 01 of 1998 in the USA, "Armageddon" ... [salutes Grace] Colonel Willie Sharp, United States Air Force, ma'am. This is one order you shouldn't follow and you fucking know it! Harry Stamper: I understand that you are handicapped by a natural immaturity, and I forgive you. I didn't show her, Harry. It's all I'm asking. Dan: So am I. Armageddon Quotes . Dan: I am the only certified astronaut. Armageddon quotes 23 total quotes Charles "Chick" Chapple Col. William Sharp Dan Truman Harry Stamper Rockhound. Send. Uh, those are nothing. I'm so scared." Would you just give him this. No, I don't. Something's goin' on here, I'm gonna find out what it is. Chick: Chewy? Harry Stamper: He's the only one in your age bracket, Grace. Max: Let`s keep that under wraps, all ... Lev Andropov: I am not a gas station. Just wanted to feel the power between my legs, brother. With Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler. How the hell do you know that? Harry Stamper: Karl: Harry Stamper: [the shuttles are trying to land on the asteroid] Truman: Fail. The Palestinian city of Megiddo, located on a pass … [jogging] Grace Stamper Quotes in Armageddon (1998) Share. About $400. This is how we fix problem in the Russian space station! Captain America here blew the landing by 26 miles! Because I am like you. Goofs Ah! Narrator: Harry Stamper: Come on, God, just a little help. Freddy Noonan: [Rockhound is duct taped down inside the spaceship to keep him out of trouble]. You'll be upward of 11 G's. Colonel William Sharp: The court says you can't. A.J. A.J. So, watch it. We shouldn't even be up here. Grace Stamper : I don't under-understand. Good luck, Freedom. Come on, God, just a little help. I'm just a little emotional right now, ok? I'm giving you this for 60%, I hope you know what you're doing, because I'll bust your head with a sledgehammer. Look, I mean, after this is over, can I like get a hug from you or something? Bear: A great memorable quote from the Armageddon movie on - Grace Stamper: I understand that you are handicapped by a natural immaturity, and I forgive you. I always thought of you as a son. Make sure Truman gets that! God be with you. Harry S. Stamper. Rockhound: Hey, guys, remember: we`re, we`re heroes now. Just tell Grace that, uh, that I'll always be with her. [shaking hands with Harry] You stick that thing in me, I'm gonna stab you in the heart with it. If the bomb explodes after Zero Barrier,[the video of the asteroid fragments hitting the Earth is displayed]Truman: game's over. A.J. It will happen again. Who the hell do you think you guys are? I ju- No I-I told her how to use it. The fate of the planet is in the hands of a bunch of retards I wouldn't trust with a potato gun. Harry Stamper: And I'm not so optimistic. You're already heroes, just sit back and enjoy the ride. Max: Oscar: It's my job! Grace Stamper: Listen, Harry, A.J. I taught at Princton for two and a half years. Here's Harry giving me a hard time. Total, sir. Rockhound: Released on July 01 of 1998 in the USA, "Armageddon" ... [salutes Grace] Colonel Willie Sharp, United States Air Force, ma'am. Even if the asteroid itself hits the water, it's still hitting land. Rockhound: No nukes! Directed by Michael Bay. Isaiah 13:9 - Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy … Give this to Truman. Is it just me, or is Watts really hot? We are faced with the very gravest of challenges. Famous Armageddon Quotes. Rockhound: Requesting permission to shake the hand of the daughter of the bravest man I've ever met. It means we got a busted ship. Grace Stamper: Colonel William Sharp: Famous Armageddon Quotes I know the president's chief scientific advisor, we were at MIT together. Grace Stamper : I lied to you too. Do you see any roads around here? You ever see Pulp Fiction? Truman: So you drill, drop the nuke, and leave. Harry Stamper: Harry! Japan's gone, Australia's wiped out. Listen, Harry, A.J. Dr. Banks: Right now, that day conflicts with six billion schedules. My crew was doin' the right thing. What's your contingency plan? Harry Stamper: Looks like I'm going to have to break that promise. A.J. Your crew just blew the whole transmission, A.J. | Harry Stamper: The thing that finds, uh, New York or Washington, you know? Rockhound: Narrator: When I told you I didn't want to be like you. Truman: Best Armageddon Quotes. Harry Stamper: And I'm saving your American ass! Got a great view of the Earth from here. You burn your hand, right? Man, I swear to God, she never told me her age. Megiddo was one of the fortified cities of the Canaanites overlooking the Valley of Jezreel. Baby, do you think its possible that anyone else in the world is doing this very same thing at this very same moment? Anybody wanna say no? Nobody asked you if you could live with it, all right? [grinning] Armageddon Quotes. Don't Harry! The dreams of an entire planet are focused tonight on those fourteen brave souls traveling into the heavens. Wants them wiped off his record. I know the president's chief scientific advisor, we were at MIT together. I'm temporarily insane, Rock, it's all right. Grace Stamper: First time I got my period, Rock had to take me into Tai-Pei for Tampax. Harry Stamper played by Bruce Willis is the main character of the film and he delivered some famous lines in 'Armageddon'. Harry'll do it. I ain't gonna kill him. He's got space dementia. And I have never, NEVER missed a depth that I have aimed for. We have visual of the target, Houston. General Kimsey: That's like - I dunno, that's like eleven words or something. Vinnie the loanshark: That's easy for you to say. We spend 250 billion dollars a year on defense. Pin. Does this look okay? Why do I do this? Grace Stamper: Hi Gracie Hi honey. Revelation 16:16 - And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. Components. You see, I promised my little girl that I was coming home. Colonel Davis, USAF: Why don't we just send up a hundred and fifty nuclear warheads and blast that rock apart? Harry Stamper: When I told you I didn't want to be like you. You see, I promised my little girl that I'd be comin' home. This will be similar to the asteroid. Chick: Watts: You know it's all funny until somebody gets shot in the leg. Grace Stamper: Man, this is - this is historic. Get the book! Harry Stamper : Looks like I'm going to have to break that promise. You wanna go home? Hi honey. Grace Stamper: Harry Stamper: Pretty much the smartest man on the planet You might wanna listen to him. Houston, we have no fire. Sure, I think we can, uh, take care of... some of that. What's up, Harry? Talk about the wrong stuff. Somebody dial 911! You know it's all funny until somebody gets shot in the leg. We are faced with the very gravest of challenges. Man, what are you doing with a gun in space? I taught at Princton for two and a half years. View Quote. Rockhound: Thought you said you couldn't trust him. [Sharp reaches to cut engines, to return to the asteroid, since Stamper has not blown it yet]. Harry: You go take care of my little girl now. Dan: I ain't drawin' against you, Harry. Easily move … I'm dead serious about this. : Get in there. Dr. Banks: General Kimsey: : Nobody's gonna draw straws. [shouting from balcony] Both shuttles will take off Tuesday at 6:30pm. What's it gonna be like up there? Dottie: : Harry Stamper: A.J. You know what, I do not have much pleasure being near God's ear, but you think this is looking good or what? Through all of the chaos that is our history; through all of the wrongs and the discord; through all of the pain and suffering; through all of our times, there is one thing that has nourished our souls, and elevated our species above its origins, and that is our courage. Dan: If you're trying to make me feel better about this scenario, give it up. When do we start training for THAT? Guys, this is, like, deep blue hero stuff! Haven't turned you down once. I-I really don't think that the animal cracker qualifies as a cracker. Rockhound: Dan: And may we all, citizens the world over, see these events through. Colonel William Sharp: Colonel William Sharp: You go take care of my little girl now. Uh, Noonan's got two women friends that he'd like to see made American citizens no questions asked. Here, you can buy yourself a neck. Rockhound: He's the only one in your age bracket, Grace. [talking to Harry when he is on the asteroid] We have a national security matter. Why do I do this? : Oscar: When I told you I didn't want to be like you. Sedatives are used all the time, doctor. "I lied to you too. Harry Stamper: : Because the money's good, the scenery changes and they let me use explosives, ok? Karl: Sir, I'm retired navy, I know all about classified. [to NASA] I love you so much, daddy. No nukes! Harry Stamper: Harry: Looks like I'm gonna have to break that promise. General Kimsey: Connections I was way off on the odds! It means we've got a busted ship. There's too much debris, we gotta peel off! Is that - is that what we're doin' here? I don't mean to be the materialistic weasel of this group, but do you think we'll get hazard pay out of this? Oscar: When I told you I didn't want to be like you. Rockhound: [seeing that Bear is not paying attention]. I ju- No I-I told her how to use it. Harry! Matthew 24:21 - For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. President: Lev, why don't you just do humanity a favor and just shut the hell up? I thought you said I could. You-you're the guys that think this shit up! A.J. You wanna be fired? I've been sent here by the secretary of defence on direct orders from the president of the United States. Looks like I'm gonna have to break that promise. Lev Andropov: : Rockhound: If you had like little animal cracker Discovery Channel thing watch the gazelle as he graze's through the open plains, and now look as the cheetah approachs. Course, we're just in the beginning part of space, we-we haven't even got to *outer* space yet! Grace, I know I promised you I was coming home. Back off! I'm sorry A.J. He's a genius of my family. A busted ship? I hope so, otherwise, what the hell are we trying to save? Wait a minute! Get my phone book, get those names of those guys from NASA. Two great mountains stand to the northeast and southeast of the hill of Megiddo: Mt. Grace Stamper: Harry: Everything good that I have inside of me, I have from you. Alternate Versions [after stepping onto the asteroid] "Houston, you have a problem. Beam me up, Scotty! What? Heart, lungs, liver. [From behind the camera, a giant asteroid appears, speeding towards the Earth ahead of it]. Harry Stamper: The United States Government just asked us to save the world. A.J. You know we're sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder. Grace Stamper: I never quit yet, how is that ? Truman: You are SO messin' with national security right now, man! I-I know you guys think I'm crazy right now but, I would really like this responsibility. I have repeatedly asked you to call me dad. - Rockhound: Ho-ho. [AJ, Lev, and Bear are about to make the canyon jump]. Wow. Grace Stamper: Browse other movie quotes on Ficquotes also. General Kimsey: Your backup plan. If we don't put this bomb down in a hole 800 feet onto a fault line, all you're gonna have is a real expensive fireworks show. Rockhound: Grace, I know I promised you I was coming home. Harry Stamper: There are so many Armageddon quotes that can help you when you are tired of being in the same old rut, and all you need is a little push, a little inspiration, a smile on the face, change of mood, bring you out of the banality of life, make you laugh a little, or may even make you cry a bit, and these Armageddon quotes … A.J. Of course I'm in. White House. Makes you feel good, doesn't it? We are staying or going, staying or going. Would you go inside? That's not a choice, that's a lack of options. No way! It comes from two Hebrew words ‘har’ (a mountain or range of hills) and ‘megiddo’. So you drill, you drop the nuke, and you leave. Miss Stamper? Forecasting Armageddon has become trendy of late, with a great deal of attention being given to an interpretation of the Mayan Calendar suggesting that Mother Earth is destined for doom in December of 2012. Then let's turn this bomb off. is my choice - my choice and not yours. I'm there. and set it off. Biker Customer: Well, I'm gonna draw against you Chick, so you better just go ahead and do it. A.J. : ... Look, we've got front row tickets to the end of the earth! A.J. Personally, I don't know how they survived the tests. Armageddon poems from famous poets and best armageddon poems to feel good. Well it's about time, I haven't thrown up in about an hour. Harry Stamper: Everything good that I have inside of me I have from you. Great, I got that "excited/scared" feeling. Uhh, Harry wanted you to have this. Chick: Ronald Quincy: You're hoggin' all the action. Look, they're the best at what they do. I think we're close enough, He might have heard ya. Fail. First time I got my period, Rock had to take me into Tai-Pei for Tampax. Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. Thanks. you're going to remote-detonate the nuke... before the asteroid... First time I got my period, Rock had to take me to Tai-Pei for ... You want to compare brainpans? Rockhound: Those men in that room have zero tolerence for showin' off, hot doggin', going by your gut instinct or you tryin' to be a hero. And then he had to show me how to use them, Harry. [asteroids are hitting New York; sees a flying burning taxi in front of him] Chick: lt's the size of Texas, Mr President. If you think we missed any quote from Dan Truman or Armageddon, please send it to us. And, uh, this is Harry tellin' me I can't marry his daughter. 2. "You know we're sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder. United States astronauts train for years. And we've lost radio contact, maybe for good. Armageddon Quotes. Gracie, I want you to know that AJ saved us. Listen, that NASA computer is just playin' it safe. Oscar: Oscar: More Armageddon Quotes Armageddon is not a foreign policy. It's all right, relax. A.J. [Independence is going down] My favorite dish is haggis. Rockhound: 21. Just shut up! Here are the best Bruce Willis quotes 'Armageddon' has to offer. I gotta go now, honey. Uh, those were nothing. Colonel Willie Sharp, United States Airforce, ma'am. Makes you feel good, doesn't it?" Always thought of you as a son. Hey. So, when the rogue comet hit the asteroid belt, it sent shrapnel right for us. recruits a misfit team of deep core drillers to save the planet. | Is that it? [a team of soldiers come into the control room via the elevators] See more ideas about armageddon movie, armageddon, i movie. Permalink: Have you ever heard of Evel Knievel? [to Oscar] With directional accelerant thrusters. Now I don't know what you people are doing down there, but we've got a hole to dig up here! For god's sakes, think about what you're doin'. [shouting from balcony] It's not too bad. 9. [Off Harry's stern look]Rockhound: I told her how to use them. Watts: You wanna compare brainpans? Harry Stamper: Too bad we'll nev... Sir, I'm retired navy, I know all about classified. Harry! Guess what guys, it's time to embrace the horror!

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