869 sanriku earthquake

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869 sanriku earthquake

[5] Analysis of the tsunami deposits associated with the 2011 earthquake suggests that the extent of sand deposition in the earlier events underestimated the degree of inundation. & Yulianto E. (2011). The entire wiki with photo and video galleries for each article The earthquake had an estimated magnitude of at least 8.4 on the moment magnitude scale, but may have been as high as 9.0, similar to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake … 1700 Cascadia earthquake. Enormous buildings, warehouses, gates and walls were destroyed. Ang lindol ay may isang tinantyang magnitude ng hindi bababa sa 8.4 sa sandaling magnitude scale, ngunit maaaring may mataas na bilang 9.0, … The was an energy accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Ōkuma, Fukushima Prefecture, initiated primarily by the tsunami following the Tōhoku earthquake on 11 March 2011. Horses and cattle got surprised, madly rushed around and injured the others. The 2011 Tōhoku earthquake was somewhat larger than the predicted event, but occurred in the same area as the 869 earthquake and caused major flooding in the Sendai area. The northeast coast of Honshu, Japan, in Iwate Prefecture, was hit with a powerful earthquake of magnitude 8.4 on March 2, 1933. On the 26th day of the 5th month (9 July 869 AD) a large earthquake occurred in Mutsu province with some strange light in the sky. 1762 Arakan earthquake. WebCite, Japan Times, Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Tokyo, 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, Thucydides, Thailand, Hawaii, Unesco, Tokyo, Hokkaido, Kantō region, Miyagi Prefecture, Hyōgo Prefecture, Tōhoku region, Hokkaido, Sendai, Japan, Google Books, 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, Japan, Miyagi Prefecture, Japanese language, Earthquakes in Japan, 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, Japan, Hokkaido, Earthquakes in Japan, Aomori Prefecture, 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, Pacific Ocean, Tsunami, Tōhoku region, Sanriku, 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, Tokyo, Japan, Japanese language, Hokkaido. The description in Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku [True History of Three Reigns of Japan] (901) reads as follows:[7], 五月廿六日癸未 陸奧國地大震動 流光如晝隱映 頃之 人民叫呼 伏不能起 或屋仆壓死 或地裂埋殪 馬牛駭奔 或相昇踏 城(郭)倉庫 門櫓墻壁 頽落顛覆 不知其數 海口哮吼 聲似雷霆 驚濤涌潮 泝洄漲長 忽至城下 去海數十百里 浩々不辨其涯諸 原野道路 惣爲滄溟 乘船不遑 登山難及 溺死者千許 資産苗稼 殆無孑遺焉. This boundary has been associated with a series of large historical earthquakes, originating either from rupture along the plate interface or from deformation within either the over-riding or subducting plates, many of them triggering a destructive tsunami, such as the 1896 Meiji-Sanriku earthquake. In Japan this earthquake is commonly called "Jogan Jishin(貞観地震)". A muddy deposit was found to extend half as far again as the sand sheet. 2011 Tōhoku earthquake. Then the sea began roaring like a big thunderstorm. 1707 Hōei earthquake. Dark gray area denotes the Tohoku region. [3] However, it is likely that the moment magnitude rating may have been similar to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami at around 9.0. This article will be permanently flagged as inappropriate and made unaccessible to everyone. The 869 Sanriku earthquake (貞観地震, Jōgan jishin) and its associated tsunami struck the area around Sendai in the northern part of Honshu on 9 July 869 AD (or the 26th day of the 5th month in the 11th year of Jōgan). Until now, researchers had not been able to estimate the magnitude of the 869 earthquake. A program where participants learn about how people overcame disasters and earthquakes, such as the 869 Sanriku Earthquake, Meiji Sanriku Earthquake, Showa Sanriku Earthquake, Chilean Earthquakes and Tsunamis, and the Great East Japan Earthquake. The 1896 Sanriku earthquake (明治三陸地震, Meiji Sanriku Jishin) was one of the most destructive seismic events in Japanese history. WHEBN0031169833 By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. [6][8] According to Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku, around 1000 people were killed by the tsunami. See more » Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Minoura, Koji (30 June 2001). "Marine incursions of the past 1500 years and evidence of tsunamis at Suijin-numa, a coastal lake facing the Japan Trench". [4] The earthquake had an estimated magnitude of at least 8.4 on the moment magnitude scale,[1] but may have been as high as 9.0, similar to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. The 869 Sanriku earthquake (貞観地震 Jōgan jishin) and associated tsunami struck the area around Sendai in the northern part of Honshu on 9 July (26th day of 5th month, 11th year of Jōgan). The properties and crop seedlings were almost completely washed away. Article Id: The Most deadly earthquakes in History happened on 23 January 1556 in Shaanxi Province in China, more than 830,000 lives lost. In the area which the earthquake struck, the Imperial Court of Japan battled with an indigenous people of the Tōhoku region, Emishi, at that time. The 869 Sanriku earthquake (貞観地震, Jōgan jishin) and its associated tsunami struck the area around Sendai in the northern part of Honshu on 9 July 869 AD (or the 26th day of the 5th month in the 11th year of Jōgan). The 1896 Sanriku earthquake was a typical ‘tsunami earthquake’ which caused large tsunami despite its weak ground shaking. The earthquake had an estimated magnitude of at least 8.4 on the moment magnitude scale, but may have been as high as 9.0, similar to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake … 869 Sanriku earthquake. 869 sanriku earthquake and tsunami in a sentence - Use "869 sanriku earthquake and tsunami" in a sentence 1. :Actually 4 km would match the extent of tsunami sand deposits on the Sendai plain from previous large earthquakes, like the 869 Sanriku earthquake and tsunami . The earthquake had an estimated magnitude of at least 8.4 on the moment magnitude scale, but may have been as high as 9.0, similar to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. [10] In 2007 the probability of an earthquake with a magnitude of Mw 8.1–8.3 was estimated as 99% within the following 30 years.[1]. But during the era other large earthquakes also occurred in Japan, so the name of the geographic epicenter and the anno domini year number when the quake occurred are sometimes added. 1950 Assam–Tibet earthquake. The source is a Japanese newspaper called " Asahi Shimbun " and part of the story includes comments from seismologist Kenji Satake making comparisons with the earlier 869 Sanriku earthquake event. The 869 Jogan Sanriku earthquake and associated tsunami struck the area around Sendai in the northern part of Honshu on 9 July 869 (26th day of 5th month, 11th year of Jogan). Click here to start a new topic. Some were killed by the collapsed houses, others by the landslides. The estimated magnitude of the earthquake as 8.6 on the surface wave magnitude scale, has been taken from modelling of the tsunami. The 869 Sanriku earthquake and its associated tsunami struck the area around Sendai in the northern part of Honshu on 9 July 869 AD. [5] The inundated areas closely matched those of the 2011 Tōhoku tsunami. In order to reproduce the tsunami deposit distribution, the fault size must be at least 200 km long, 100 km wide, and Sanriku Earthquake – Japan – March 2, 1933. 2. :Actually 4 km would match the extent of tsunami sand deposits on the … [7] This boundary has been associated with a series of large historical earthquakes, originating either from rupture along the plate interface or from deformation within either the over-riding or subducting plates, many of them triggering a destructive tsunami,[7] such as the 1896 Sanriku earthquake. Reproduction Date: The 869 Sanriku earthquake (貞観地震, Jōgan jishin) and associated tsunami struck the area around Sendai in the northern part of Honshu on 9 July 869 (26th day of 5th month, 11th year of Jōgan). 2012), 1611 Keicho (Hatori 2009), 1896 Meiji Sanriku (Tanioka and Satake 1996; Tanioka and Seno 2001), 1933 Sanriku (Kanamori 1971), and 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquakes (Ozawa et al. The 8.5 magnitude earthquake occurred at 19:32 (local time) on June 15, 1896, approximately 166 kilometres (103 mi) off the coast of Iwate Prefecture, Honshu.It resulted in two tsunamis which destroyed about 9,000 homes and … Crowd sourced content that is contributed to World Heritage Encyclopedia is peer reviewed and edited by our editorial staff to ensure quality scholarly research articles. The sea surface suddenly rose up and the huge waves attacked the land. The initial shock occurred at 0231 AM local time on March 3, 1933 (1731 GMT March 2, 1933). Excessive Violence The 1998 Ryukyu Islands earthquake (石垣島南方沖地震, Ishigakijima nanpō-oki jishin) occurred on May 4, 1998, at 08:30 local time (UTC+9) (on May 3 at 23:30 UTC) in the Philippine Sea region with M w 7.5 (USGS) and M7.7 (JMA). [10], Three tsunami deposits have been identified within the Holocene sequence of the Sendai plain, all formed within the last 3,000 years, suggesting an 800 to 1,100-year recurrence interval for large tsunamigenic earthquakes. A source area of 200 kilometres (120 mi) long by 85 kilometres (53 mi) wide with a displacement of 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) is consistent with the observed distribution and degree of flooding. But during the era other large earthquakes also occurred in Japan, so the name of the geographic epicenter and the anno domini year number when the quake occurred are sometimes added. Learning about the disaster-related cultures created by the repeated disasters and the people who overcame these disasters. Jōgan is the Japanese era name for the period from 859 to 877 AD. Daily Yomiuri Online. In the case of the 869 Sanriku earthquake, the identification of tsunami deposits over 4.5 … In 2001, researchers identified sand deposits in a trench more than 4.5 kilometres (2.8 mi) from the coast as coming from this tsunami. Although this earthquake occurred in the frontier region of the ancient Japanese Empire based at Kyoto, a short and precise official record of this catastrophe was left. The 869 Sanriku earthquake (貞観地震, Jōgan jishin) and its associated tsunami struck the area around Sendai in the northern part of Honshu on 9 July 869 AD (or the 26th day of the 5th month in the 11th year of Jōgan). World Heritage Encyclopedia™ is a registered trademark of the World Public Library Association, a non-profit organization. The earthquake had an estimated magnitude of at least 8.4 on the moment magnitude scale, but may have been as high as 9.0, similar to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake … About one thousand people drowned in the waves, because they failed to escape either offshore or uphill from the waves. Commonly the effects of Earthquake include Shaking and ground rupture, Landslides and avalanches, Fires, Soil liquefaction, Tsunami, Floods, Human impacts, these are not limited. The fields and roads completely sank into the sea. Yoshida, Reiji, "869 Tohoku tsunami parallels stun", http://www.jishin.go.jp/main/chousakenkyuu/miyagi_juten/h18/h18_miyagi.pdf (p. 68). The extent of flooding caused by the tsunami of the Sendai plain has been mapped using dated deposits of sand. ム.陸奥の国奈良天平の伽藍かな (in Japanese). Satake, K.; Sawai, Y.; Shishikura, M.; Okamura, Y.; Namegaya, Y. The waves spread thousands of yards from the beach, and we could not see how large the devastated area was. [6] The tsunami caused extensive flooding of the Sendai plain, determined to have reached at least 4 km (2.5 mi) inland, destroying the town of Tagajō and its castle. : Put new text under old text. This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the 869 Sanriku earthquake article. Tsunami source models of the 869 Jogan (Sawai et al. Ask questions, get answers. [7] The inundated areas closely matched those of the 2011 Tōhoku tsunami. Ang 869 Sanriku lindol ( 貞観地震, Jōgan jishin) at kaugnay na tsunami ang tumama sa lugar sa palibot ng Sendai sa hilagang bahagi ng Honshu noong ika-9 ng Hulyo 869 AD (ika-26 araw ng ika-5 buwan, ika-11 taon ng Jōgan). World Heritage Encyclopedia content is assembled from numerous content providers, Open Access Publishing, and in compliance with The Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act (FASTR), Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., Public Library of Science, The Encyclopedia of Life, Open Book Publishers (OBP), PubMed, U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, and USA.gov, which sources content from all federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government publication portals (.gov, .mil, .edu). [7] Archaeological investigations have identified the remains of 8th and 9th century buildings beneath the town, covered by sediments dated to the middle of the 10th century.[5]. A source area of 200 kilometres (120 mi) long by 85 kilometres (53 mi) wide with a displacement of 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) is consistent with the observed distribution and degree of flooding. 2011) are shown by colored lines off the Sanriku …          Sexual Content The northern part of Honshu lies above the convergent boundary between the over-riding Okhotsk Plate (a proposed microplate within the North American Plate) and the subducting Pacific Plate. The 8.5 magnitude earthquake occurred at 19:32 (local time) on June 15, 1896, approximately 166 kilometres (103 mi) off the coast of Iwate Prefecture, Honshu.It resulted in two tsunamis which destroyed about 9,000 homes and … As for the other two large tsunamis recognized before the 869 tsunami, one was estimated to have occurred between about 1000 BC and 500 BC and the other around 1 AD. "Challenges of anticipating the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami using coastal geology", "The future of tsunami research following the 2011 Tohoku-oki event", "Marine incursions of the past 1500 years and evidence of tsunamis at Suijin-numa, a coastal lake facing the Japan Trench", "The 869 Jōgan tsunami deposit and recurrence interval of large-scale tsunami on the Pacific coast of northeast Japan", http://www.jishin.go.jp/main/chousakenkyuu/miyagi_juten/h18/h18_miyagi.pdf, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=869_Sanriku_earthquake&oldid=1000711315, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 16 January 2021, at 09:38. The tsunami flooded at least 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) inland. Hence the relation between the 1896 and 2011 tsunami sources is an … Archaeological investigations have identified the remains of 8th and 9th century buildings beneath the town, covered by sediments dated to the middle of the 10th century.[7]. Check 'Sanriku earthquake of 869 CE' translations into Japanese. ; New to Wikipedia? Sawai, Y.; Fujii Y., Fujiwara O., Kamataki T., Komatsubara J., Okamura Y., Satake K. & Shishikura M. (2008). Japan: Tsunami: Yes: Casualties ≈1,000: The 869 Sanriku earthquake 貞観地震, Jōgan jishin) and its associated tsunami struck the area around Sendai in the northern part of Honshu on 9 July 869 AD (or the … The tsunami inundation is computed on the 869 topography from several combinations of 2011 subfaults, and compared with the distribution of the 869 tsunami deposit. Sanriku in this context is a name roughly corresponding to the Pacific front northeastern coastal area of Honshu island. The description in Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku reads as follows. The earthquake had an estimated magnitude of 8.6 on the surface wave magnitude scale. It occurred along the Japan Trench in the northern tsunami source area of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake where a delayed tsunami generation has been proposed. [9], Three tsunami deposits have been identified within the Holocene sequence of the Sendai plain, all formed within the last 3,000 years, suggesting an 800 to 1,100 year recurrence interval for large tsunamigenic earthquakes. As the topography and cultivation of the Sendai plain has not changed significantly since 869, it has been proposed that the sources of the 2011 and 869 tsunamis were of comparable size, suggesting that the magnitude of the 869 earthquake has been severely underestimated. In 2001 it was reckoned that there was a high likelihood of a large tsunami hitting the Sendai plain, as more than 1,100 years had then elapsed.[5]. 1 Introduction. [4] The tsunami caused widespread flooding of the Sendai plain, with sand deposits being found up to 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) from the coast. They raged like nightmares, and immediately reached the city center. The northern part of Honshu lies above the convergent boundary between the over-riding Okhotsk Plate (a proposed microplate within the North American Plate) and the subducting Pacific Plate. Location of the study area. [5], The tsunami caused extensive flooding of the Sendai plain, destroying the town of Tagajō. Look through examples of Sanriku earthquake of 869 CE translation in sentences, listen … Are you certain this article is inappropriate? 1906 Ecuador–Colombia quake. [3] The 2011 Tōhoku earthquake occurred in exactly the same area as the 869 earthquake, fulfilling the earlier prediction and causing major flooding in the Sendai area. 津波災害は繰り返す (in Japanese). The earthquake had an estimated magnitude of at least 8.4 on the moment magnitude scale, but may have been as high as 9.0, similar to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake … Goto, K.; Chagué-Goff C., Fujino S., Goff J., Jaffe B., Nishimura Y., Richmond B., Sugawara D., Szczuciński W., Tappin D.R.., Wotter R.C. There was little awareness of the earthquake because of its distance from shore and because of its character, but the tsunami that ensued was massive and did overwhelming damage on shore and killed 26,000 people. The Japanese history text, Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku which was compiled in 901, recorded the 869 earthquake and tsunami of Mutsu Province.[5]. [5], Despite a lack of reliable sources, there are legends about the earthquake from Tōhoku region to Bōsō Peninsula. 869 sanriku earthquake in a sentence - Use "869 sanriku earthquake" in a sentence 1. The very large slip off Miyagi on the deep plate interface was similar to the previously proposed model of the 869 Jogan earthquake (Sawai et al., 2012, GRL). [7], As for the other two large tsunamis recognized before the 869 tsunami, one was estimated to have occurred between about 1000 BC and 500 BC and the other around 1 AD. 8. [7] Analysis of the tsunami deposits associated with the 2011 earthquake suggests that the extent of sand deposition in the earlier events underestimated the degree of inundation. The 869 Sanriku earthquake (貞観地震, Jōgan jishin) and associated tsunami struck the area around Sendai in the northern part of Honshu on 9 July 869 (26th day of 5th month, 11th year of Jōgan). [9] Thus the magnitude of this quake may have been as high as 9.0. [11] In 2007, the probability of an earthquake with a magnitude of Mw 8.1–8.3 was estimated as 99% within the following 30 years. [6], Although this earthquake occurred in the frontier region of the ancient Japanese Empire based at Kyoto, a short and precise official record of this catastrophe was left. "New insights of tsunami hazard from the 2011 Tohoku-oki event". As the topography and cultivation of the Sendai plain has not changed significantly since 869, it has been proposed that the sources of the 2011 and 869 tsunamis were of comparable size, suggesting that the magnitude of the 869 earthquake has been severely underestimated. The extent of flooding caused by the tsunami of the Sendai plain has been mapped using dated deposits of sand. People shouted and cried, lay down and could not stand up. 363 Galilee earthquake - 749 Galilee earthquake - 115 Antioch earthquake - 464 BC Sparta earthquake - 365 Crete earthquake - AD 17 Lydia earthquake - 62 Pompeii earthquake - 1505 Lo Mustang earthquake - 1157 Hama earthquake - 526 Antioch earthquake - 551 Beirut earthquake - 869 Sanriku earthquake - 847 Damascus earthquake - 856 Damghan earthquake - 1222 Cyprus earthquake … Sanriku in this context is a name roughly corresponding to the Pacific front northeastern coastal area of Honshu island. Leave a Comment / Natural / By devastating. [6] There are legends about the earthquake from Tōhoku region to Bōsō Peninsula. The tsunami inundation is computed on the 869 topography from several combinations of 2011 subfaults, and compared with the distribution of the 869 tsunami deposit. [2] The earthquake had an estimated magnitude of 8.6 on the surface wave magnitude scale. "Was 869 Tohoku quake Japan's strongest?". This tsunami caused heavy destruction on the Sendai plain which carried sand deposits up to 4 km from the coast. 869 Sanriku earthquake img source: wikimedia.org. the 869 Jogan earthquake (Sawai et al., 2012, GRL).          Political / Social. 2010 Chile earthquake. This is not a forum for general discussion of the article's subject. In 2001 it was reckoned that there was a high likelihood of a large tsunami hitting the Sendai plain as more than 1,100 years had then elapsed. The epicenter was 260 km (162 mi) from Ishigaki Island, Japan, 400 km (249 mi) from Basco, Philippines, and 425 km (264 mi) from Hualian, … [5], In Japan this earthquake is commonly called "Jogan Jishin(貞観地震)". 1730 Valparaiso earthquake. & Yamaki, S. (2007). It took place on 9th July and it was of magnitude 8.4. The 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake (M w 9.0) (Figure 1a) is the largest instrumentally recorded earthquake to occur in the Japanese islands, and it caused a devastating tsunami in the Tohoku region.The maximum coastal tsunami height was nearly 40 m at the Sanriku coast [e.g., Mori et al., 2012], and the maximum inundation distance from the … 1868 Arica earthquake. The tsunami flooded at least 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) inland. ; Please sign and date your posts by typing four tildes ( ~~~~). The tsunami inundation associated with the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, however, extended farther inland than the sandy tsunami deposits. 1833 Sumatra earthquake. In the area which the earthquake struck, the Imperial Court of Japan battled with an indigenous people of the Tōhoku region, Emishi, at that time. The 869 Sanriku earthquake (貞観地震, Jōgan jishin) and its associated tsunami struck the area around Sendai in the northern part of Honshu on 9 July 869 AD (or the 26th day of the 5th month in the 11th year of Jōgan). The epicenter occurred far enough away from the town that the earthquake itself did little damage to buildings. Ein Erdbeben mit der Stärke 9 vor der Küste der Präfektur Miyagi löste Tsunami-Wellen aus, die an der Sanriku Küste in Tohoku teilweise eine Höhe von 40 Metern erreichten. The rupture parameters and magnitude of the A.D. 869 Jogan earthquake, a predecessor of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, were previously estimated by matching tsunami deposit distributions with simulated inundation areas. talk ) 19 : 21, 15 March 2011 ( UTC) click for more sentences of 869 sanriku earthquake and … Welcome! The earthquake had an estimated magnitude of 8.6 on the surface wave magnitude scale. [2] The tsunami caused widespread flooding of the Sendai plain. A muddy deposit was found to extend half as far again as the sand sheet. Funding for USA.gov and content contributors is made possible from the U.S. Congress, E-Government Act of 2002. The offshore earthquake, though powerful, was barely felt on shore so no one was prepared for the tsunami that followed. The 869 Sanriku earthquake (貞観地震, Jōgan jishin) and its associated tsunami struck the area around Sendai in the northern part of Honshu on 9 July 869 AD (or the 26th day of the 5th month in the 11th year of Jōgan). 9 Jul 869 Jogan tsunami 8.3-8.6 More than 1,000 deaths 2 Dec 1611 Keicho Sanriku 8.1 More than 5,000 deaths 15 Jun 1896 Meiji Sanriku 8.5 21,959 deaths and > 10,000 houses destroyed 3 Mar 1933 Showa Sanriku 8.1 3,064 deaths and 1,810 houses destroyed 11 Mar 2011 Heisei Tohoku 9.0 19,295 deaths and 359,073 houses destroyed Jōgan is the Japanese era name for the period from 859 to 877 AD. On June 15, 1896, an earthquake of magnitude 8.5 struck the Sanriku coast on the northeast of Honshu, Japan, in the Iwate Prefecture. This article was sourced from Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Around 1000 people died by this earthquake. 1611 Sanriku earthquake. "Tsunami source of the unusual AD 869 earthquake off Miyagi, Japan, inferred from tsunami deposits and numerical simulation of inundation". [5][6] According to Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku, around 1000 people were killed by the tsunami. The estimated magnitude of the earthquake as 8.6 on the surface wave magnitude scale, has been taken from modelling of the tsunami. [8] Thus the magnitude of this quake may have been as high as 9.0. 1952 Kamchatka earthquake. The earthquake measured 8.4 on the moment magnitude scale [1] and was in approximately the same location as the 1896 Meiji-Sanriku earthquake. The 1896 Sanriku earthquake (明治三陸地震, Meiji Sanriku Jishin) was one of the most destructive seismic events in Japanese history. This earthquake occurred near Sendai in the northern portion of Honshu. searching for 869 Sanriku earthquake 2 found (18 total) Tsunami deposit (1,186 words) exact match in snippet view article find links to article or to act as evidence of a prehistoric event. The Japanese history text, Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku which was compiled in 901, recorded the 869 earthquake and tsunami of Mutsu Province.

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